Release Notes - Camunda Optimize - Version 2.3.0 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [OPT-1128] - IE11: Dragging Report out of Dashboard makes second scrollbar appear
  • [OPT-1410] - Cannot confirm input with Enter in the varibale date filter 'From' field
  • [OPT-1423] - The usage of the keystore location is missleading
  • [OPT-1467] - Broken Layout on Optimize Reports Page (IE11)
  • [OPT-1468] - Confusing Error Notifications for Reports without Process Definition
  • [OPT-1469] - Confusing Error Notifications when calling Analysis Menu
  • [OPT-1474] - Footer in License screen inconsistent with main application
  • [OPT-1485] - Search input field should also open when navigating to it with keys
  • [OPT-1491] - Missing process definition name in landing page
  • [OPT-1493] - Csv export endpoint always returns 200
  • [OPT-1499] - When deleting report sometimes I get an exception
  • [OPT-1500] - Raw data report does not return the actual process instance count
  • [OPT-1505] - Process appears in dropdown but cannot be selected
  • [OPT-1519] - When elasticsearch index was read-only once, I cannot restart Optimize anymore and dont know which index I need to activate again
  • [OPT-1531] - Optimize crashes when deleting a report from the list that is included in a combined report
  • [OPT-1537] - Deleting a Filter also always deletes first filter
  • [OPT-1538] - Reseting report target value is not working
  • [OPT-1550] - homepage crashes when a report that is included in a combined report is not loaded
  • [OPT-1554] - Fix OutOfMemory during integration test
  • [OPT-1556] - Cannot deselect columns of raw data report
  • [OPT-1559] - Create new link of empty EntityList is not keyboard accessible
  • [OPT-1560] - Footer establishes new websocket connection on each navigation
  • [OPT-1564] - Alert page crashes when page is closed after report creation
  • [OPT-1565] - Cannot access shared reports and dashboard
  • [OPT-1573] - report builder Menus in IE11 can be selected even if disabled
  • [OPT-1586] - Page opened after starting Optimize contains wrong url
  • [OPT-1587] - Alert emails contain invalid link to report
  • [OPT-1589] - Analysing a process without instances show NaN%
  • [OPT-1590] - Combined reports are not removed from dashboards on deletion
  • [OPT-1605] - Deep clone ConfigurationService when reading defaultConfig in TestEmbeddedCamundaOptimize
  • [OPT-1608] - Upgrade: on reindex batch error, abort upgrade
  • [OPT-1611] - Fix objectMapper inconsistency
  • [OPT-1613] - Login fails if at least one engine is unavailable
  • [OPT-1614] - Background of Analysis Statistics Placeholder too small
  • [OPT-1621] - Fix wrong pagesize value in ProcessInstanceFetcher
  • [OPT-1652] - Cannot handle Combined Reports with Access Restrictions
  • [OPT-1654] - A deletion/update failure of an entity should throw an appropriate error
  • [OPT-1656] - Default color of line chart after upgrade from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 is grey
  • [OPT-1657] - shutdown Optimize JVM on config error
  • [OPT-1660] - Authorization check can fail if user exist in multiple engines
  • [OPT-1669] - Can't update report with no process definition set
  • [OPT-1671] - Frontend crashes when accessing configuration after definition change
  • [OPT-1673] - Analysis End Event Overlay not showing up
  • [OPT-1675] - Decision instance import only imports one instance and overwrites it with new data
  • [OPT-1680] - Failing upgrade tests don't fail the jenkins build step
  • [OPT-1682] - y-axis not formatted for duration chart report
  • [OPT-1684] - Process/DecisionDefinition Xml endpoint don't authorize
  • [OPT-1687] - Fix broken reports during upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3
  • [OPT-1688] - Using default certifcate_authority setting results in exception
  • [OPT-1691] - Authentication fails in multi engine setup
  • [OPT-1693] - "combined" property is not added to combined-report index during upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3
  • [OPT-1705] - Unable to edit report settings after migration
  • [OPT-1707] - Disable Point Markers is checked although value is false after migration
  • [OPT-1708] - Branch Analysis fails in certain combination of gateway - end event
  • [OPT-1714] - Firefox: Cannot change the order of the charts in the combined report
  • [OPT-1719] - Popover layout is distorted
  • [OPT-1720] - Create report at the home screen does not work
  • [OPT-1727] - Upgrade shows error although nothing is wrong
  • [OPT-1847] - Update migration/upgrade doc to use classpath instead of -jar for optimize migration

Feature Request

  • [OPT-937] - I am getting notified if I change report with alerts not to be suitable for alerting
  • [OPT-1276] - Add goal exceeded indicator to progress bars
  • [OPT-1388] - I can search for reports in the add report modal
  • [OPT-1441] - Improve keyboard navigation
  • [OPT-1475] - Highlight path between gateway and end event in analysis view
  • [OPT-1482] - I can use Optimize on non-root server locations
  • [OPT-1495] - Show warning when Report that is used in Combined Report is about to be deleted
  • [OPT-1496] - Show warning when operations on a report cause an Alert to be deleted
  • [OPT-1502] - Show warning when Report that is used in Dashboard is about to be deleted
  • [OPT-1508] - Import historic DMN data
  • [OPT-1511] - I can authenticate with a single sign on mechanism
  • [OPT-1512] - I can combine number reports
  • [OPT-1515] - I can add a goal line for combined are/bar reports
  • [OPT-1516] - Perform spike on if improve usibility of goal lines in area charts
  • [OPT-1529] - I can sort columns of raw data reports
  • [OPT-1532] - Make the progress of the upgrade transparent to the user
  • [OPT-1534] - Support number reports in combined reports
  • [OPT-1572] - History Cleanup Feature
  • [OPT-1575] - Optimize can pick up the license from a file
  • [OPT-1596] - Create configuration overlay
  • [OPT-1603] - I can specify the order of reports in combined reports
  • [OPT-1624] - I can see information about running flow nodes
  • [OPT-1629] - Allow debug mode for jetty to make it easier to debug plugins
  • [OPT-1639] - Sharing possibility can be disabled using configuration
  • [OPT-1646] - Select a color for each report in a combined report
  • [OPT-1725] - I can distinguish process and decision reports in the report list


  • [OPT-929] - Improve Analysis Page UX
  • [OPT-1210] - Only include visible columns in CSV export
  • [OPT-1290] - Rewrite service performance tests
  • [OPT-1306] - Make Progress Bar more Progress-Bar-y
  • [OPT-1313] - Remove incompatible filters substitution
  • [OPT-1409] - Elasticsearch settings can be updated using the upgrade script
  • [OPT-1417] - Provide examples for common use cases as variable filter plugins
  • [OPT-1470] - Move repeating http requests from IT to a separate module
  • [OPT-1472] - Allow LabeledInput to be used for all labeling
  • [OPT-1477] - Create Optimize common library to use shared resources as a dependency
  • [OPT-1481] - Enable security tests again
  • [OPT-1483] - Fix front-end development setup
  • [OPT-1484] - Don't display an error message when process definition xml can't be retrieved
  • [OPT-1486] - Set plugin system version to 2.2. in latest documentation
  • [OPT-1488] - Fix migration IT tests
  • [OPT-1490] - Create seperate application context for resilience tests
  • [OPT-1497] - Stabilizie Optimize integration tests
  • [OPT-1498] - Notify about changes in the dependencies
  • [OPT-1501] - Show hint when maximum entry count is execeeded
  • [OPT-1503] - Remove connection status and import progress check over REST
  • [OPT-1504] - Warning in upgrade can be confirmed with y key as well
  • [OPT-1513] - Search input field in variable group by should have default text
  • [OPT-1514] - Group by variable selection dropdown should not change size
  • [OPT-1517] - Generate large data set
  • [OPT-1522] - Remove report reference from dashboard on report delete
  • [OPT-1523] - The create report and create combined report buttons are joined into a split button
  • [OPT-1525] - Ensure that the Optimize import copes with concurrent process instance creation reliably
  • [OPT-1526] - Prevent startup of Optimize if configuration contains outdated settings
  • [OPT-1527] - Move /correlation endpoint from process definition REST service to Analysis
  • [OPT-1528] - SPIKE: Check extensibility of dmn.js
  • [OPT-1533] - Speed up the upgrade process for large data by using aliases
  • [OPT-1536] - Improve error message when Elasticsearch watermark is exceeded
  • [OPT-1539] - Update CRA to 2.0
  • [OPT-1542] - Create upgrade tests that upgrades all possible data
  • [OPT-1543] - Test that Optimize queries are also high performant for large data sets
  • [OPT-1544] - Upgrade works with large data set in a certain amount of time
  • [OPT-1545] - Add parameters field to report data
  • [OPT-1546] - Move process parts to new parameters field
  • [OPT-1555] - Do not start Optimize if the engine version does not match
  • [OPT-1557] - Create jenkins pipeline to execute the query performance tests
  • [OPT-1558] - Use ReportDataBuilder to create report data in IT tests
  • [OPT-1563] - reset combined report target value by send a value of null instead of {}
  • [OPT-1570] - Update capbm docker images to latest and use hava opts to size heap
  • [OPT-1576] - Documentation Put optimize-demo.bat/sh in code block
  • [OPT-1578] - Improve structure of the Optimize documentation
  • [OPT-1583] - Show actual version in Optimize
  • [OPT-1584] - Extend data generation with dmn data
  • [OPT-1585] - Reduce root log level to WARN and only keep optimize package on INFO
  • [OPT-1612] - Cleanup deprecated data.processPart property after FE adopted
  • [OPT-1618] - Switch nightly load tests to build slaves with SSD's
  • [OPT-1620] - Move sample plugins used in IT tests to the source folder of the it tests
  • [OPT-1626] - Enable elasticsearch transport client logs
  • [OPT-1628] - Deactivate current time backoff for integration tests to decrease IT duration
  • [OPT-1631] - Extend history cleanup for DMN
  • [OPT-1632] - Refactor EntityList component
  • [OPT-1636] - Introduce versioning per Index
  • [OPT-1637] - Renable 7.8 & 7.9 integration tests after next platform release
  • [OPT-1647] - Set default elasticsearch import queue size to 50
  • [OPT-1648] - Mention that authorizations on decision definition are required for Optimize
  • [OPT-1650] - Restructure Report Rest-API
  • [OPT-1661] - Add Optimize to engine User Guide Authorization
  • [OPT-1663] - Adjust front-end to changes in report structure
  • [OPT-1686] - Refactor ProcessDefinitionReader to align it with DecisionDefinitionReader
  • [OPT-1689] - I can define several elasticsearch connection nodes
  • [OPT-1692] - Make QueryFilter type an enum
  • [OPT-1694] - Extend Optimize-Data-Upgrade-Test by combined reports
  • [OPT-1696] - Move DataGeneration and PostMigration tests into submodules
  • [OPT-1717] - Extend import performance tests to check decision data import as well
  • [OPT-1718] - Adopt import performance tests to also count running activity instances
  • [OPT-1721] - Create a REST endpoint for checking the Import status
  • [OPT-1722] - Hardcode all es.analyzer.* settings from configuration
  • [OPT-1723] - Rename Optimize distributions
  • [OPT-1729] - Align links in all Optimize blog post to new document structure

Bug Part

  • [OPT-1668] - Combined report contains ids of unathorized reports

Feature Part

  • [OPT-1507] - Show affected component modal when deleting or updating a report
  • [OPT-1597] - Create configuration overlay popover
  • [OPT-1598] - Add single number configuration to the configuration popover
  • [OPT-1599] - I can specify visualization options for Heatmaps
  • [OPT-1600] - Add "Always show instance number" option
  • [OPT-1602] - I can specify the visualization configuration for combined reports
  • [OPT-1604] - add chart configuration to configuration overlay popover
  • [OPT-1697] - Add DMN Raw Data Report


  • [OPT-1479] - Refactor IT for dashboards, reports and alerts rest endpoints
  • [OPT-1487] - Refactor IT for sharing services
  • [OPT-1489] - Refactor IT for variable, flownodes and process definitions services
  • [OPT-1492] - refactor IT for export, metadata and webapps services
  • [OPT-1494] - refactor IT for license and authentication services
  • [OPT-1506] - Update/Delete reports via REST-API fails on conflict by default
  • [OPT-1510] - Pass "excludedColumns" query parameter to CSV export endpoint
  • [OPT-1541] - I can configure history cleanup
  • [OPT-1547] - Improve import fetch to cope with concurrent engine updates
  • [OPT-1548] - Create QA test that verifies the import catches all entities while concurrently generating data from the engine
  • [OPT-1551] - Create jenkins pipeline to execute the concurrent data generation import test
  • [OPT-1552] - Fix duplicate variables persisted during import
  • [OPT-1566] - Create cleanup load test jenkins job using static dataset
  • [OPT-1568] - Create documentation for history cleanup
  • [OPT-1569] - Import running activity instances
  • [OPT-1571] - Track progress of cleanup job with task api
  • [OPT-1593] - Create a class for generating optimize data for migration tests
  • [OPT-1601] - Add table configuration to configuration overlay
  • [OPT-1617] - Create post migration tests for optimize data upgrade testing
  • [OPT-1625] - Create Jenkins pipeline for data migration tests
  • [OPT-1634] - Document advanced configuration
  • [OPT-1644] - I can perform CRUD operations for report collections using the Rest-API
  • [OPT-1649] - When deleting reports then collections are listed as possible conflicts as well
  • [OPT-1651] - Remove target value button from control panel for non heatmap reports
  • [OPT-1655] - Create visualization field for combined report
  • [OPT-1664] - Sharing is not allowed in the frontend if disabled per config
  • [OPT-1665] - Allow disabling the sharing possibility via optimize config
  • [OPT-1670] - Read visualization type of combined report from dedicated field
  • [OPT-1674] - I can create raw data reports for DMN tables
  • [OPT-1676] - Implement decisionDefinition REST-API
  • [OPT-1677] - Implement DMN report CRUD REST-API
  • [OPT-1679] - Enrich DecisionInstanceDto with decisionDefinition version during import
  • [OPT-1685] - Implement DecisionDefinition authorization
  • [OPT-1706] - Only return decisonDefinitions where the XML is imported

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