Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.1.0 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-428] - Two parallel async service tasks with end event afterwards do not work
  • [CAM-1152] - Cannot query for group members using LDAP Identity Provider
  • [CAM-1207] - multi select and bulk operations not working in tasklist
  • [CAM-1218] - cockpit freezes when diagram has default flow defined
  • [CAM-1219] - Cannot render process diagram with exclusive gateway containing a default flow
  • [CAM-1229] - business key passed on in call activity is missing in history of called process
  • [CAM-1233] - Deployment duplicate filter does not work
  • [CAM-1238] - Query exception in cockpit with multiple tenants/schemas
  • [CAM-1251] - LDAP user cannot see own profile without explicit authorization
  • [CAM-1292] - distributable tag for clustering is missing in web-fragment.xml
  • [CAM-1294] - LDAP group member query fetches colleagues incorrectly
  • [CAM-1296] - Renderer on does not show default flow
  • [CAM-1297] - NPE when using Jackson to transform HistoryEvents to JSON
  • [CAM-1311] - process instances are sorted in the wrong order
  • [CAM-1316] - correlateMessage for message start event does not trigger the right start event
  • [CAM-1320] - IE9 task highlighting broken in tasklist
  • [CAM-1323] - NPE occurs when variables are retrieved by REST API queryVariableInstances
  • [CAM-1324] - History end time and delete reason is not set when deleting an instance with failed job in async service task
  • [CAM-1326] - Broken link in bpm-platform.xml in all distributions
  • [CAM-1344] - NPE upon HistoricVariableInstance update for process instances migrated from fox 6.1
  • [CAM-1345] - Make docpad-plugin-links usable on normal developer machines
  • [CAM-1346] - Fix Arithmetic overflow/exception on DB2 when calculating duration in history
  • [CAM-1371] - SignallableActivityBehavior Instance not loaded using PA-Classloader
  • [CAM-1373] - Error Boundary Event without errorRef catches all exceptions
  • [CAM-1374] - Catching error events do not support exception inheritance
  • [CAM-1380] - A embedded subprocess can only have a blanco start event
  • [CAM-1387] - The class requires a zero argument constructor or a specified factory method.
  • [CAM-1409] - Throwing Compensation Event in Event Sub Process does not find activityRef in main process
  • [CAM-1410] - Intermediate throwing compensation with activityRef does not work for task activities
  • [CAM-1446] - DeploymentId not set on TimerEntity for TimerStartEvent
  • [CAM-1448] - I can deploy a message event with an empty message name
  • [CAM-1485] - Renderer stops working with special diagram
  • [CAM-1489] - Renderer cannot render data object references
  • [CAM-1490] - # $ difference when dynamically resolving expresion of a calledElement of a callActivity
  • [CAM-1518] - Align usage of Database Column Types for Oracle
  • [CAM-1536] - An PA containing no processes creates an entry in ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT
  • [CAM-1537] - Closing parallel gateway - no endtime in act_hi_actinst table
  • [CAM-1538] - OSGi Manifest headers still mention "Activiti"
  • [CAM-1539] - EventSubscriptionQueryImpl.eventSubscriptionId() checks wrong variable
  • [CAM-1541] - PersistenceException when logging into camunda webapp (Oracle+Websphere)
  • [CAM-1543] - Cycle SVN connector has inconsistent local state after failed commit
  • [CAM-1551] - Generated engine MANIFEST.MF does not contain declared additional packages with resolution="optional"
  • [CAM-1557] - Fix occasionally failing
  • [CAM-1565] - Tasklist incorrectly uses process variables when displaying task form
  • [CAM-1574] - Concurrent insert of new variables leads to FK Violations
  • [CAM-1585] - Link generation broken in
  • [CAM-1587] - Use JSF parameterMap instead of <viewParam> to avoid problems with JSF validation
  • [CAM-1595] - Suspension state dto not working in was 8.5
  • [CAM-1596] - wrong cdi dependency in migration guide
  • [CAM-1617] - Call activity out variables="all" does not work if super process has no variables
  • [CAM-1619] - Cannot resolve identifier exception when signaling a failed service task using delegateExpression + CDI
  • [CAM-1627] - Cockpit/Renderer fails to show badges if activity ids contain dots in BPMN
  • [CAM-1630] - Event Based Gateway and following Intermediate Catch Events doesn't appear in the database table ACT_HI_ACTINST
  • [CAM-1635] - cycle pool extraction removes extension elements
  • [CAM-1639] - cannot start platform using linux and folders containing umlaut
  • [CAM-1646] - Process Engine deadlocks in Mssql / DB2
  • [CAM-1652] - Jenkins Job 7.1-platform-UPGRADE-70-to-71-instance-migration broken on oracle
  • [CAM-1653] - taskAssignedDate missing in history
  • [CAM-1658] - javadoc missing for latest docs
  • [CAM-1660] - Cannot associate ProcessInstance after calling StopTask()
  • [CAM-1672] - Footer not sticking to bottom of page when scrolling in cockpit
  • [CAM-1675] - Engine IT: First test execution fails on WLS after fresh install
  • [CAM-1676] - Process Application context switch does not work on WLS
  • [CAM-1688] - I cannot click twice on the "completeTask" button in Tasklist
  • [CAM-1690] - Interrupting Message Boundary Event on Subprocess broken
  • [CAM-1695] - Migration Guide Chapter: Migrate the Server from camunda Fox corrupt
  • [CAM-1698] - Adjust cdi taskForm bean for myfaces
  • [CAM-1699] - java.lang.LinkageError occurs when redeploying SpringProcessApplication
  • [CAM-1702] - Version switch broken on
  • [CAM-1710] - Non interrupting boundary event marks host activity complete in history
  • [CAM-1718] - table sorting for process instances wrong (WAS + DB2)
  • [CAM-1719] - Process Engine performs Optimistic Locking on Tables without Revisions
  • [CAM-1727] - Cockpit refreshes view when I change activity selection
  • [CAM-1729] - Boundary Events are not logged in History
  • [CAM-1730] - I cannot have multiple Sequence Flows connected to a Boundary Event
  • [CAM-1731] - Cannot use non-interrupting boundary event connected to Multi Instance Subprocess
  • [CAM-1733] - Interrupting event subprocess does not cancel event subscriptions & timers
  • [CAM-1754] - No history is written for the bpmn element Transaction
  • [CAM-1772] - Cockpit tooltips are broken
  • [CAM-1773] - Conditional Sequence Flows don't throw exception when no condition evaluates to true
  • [CAM-1782] - Create predictable FK constraint names in cycle sql scripts
  • [CAM-1787] - Engine - deployer matches package names containing "bpmn" as deployment resource
  • [CAM-1788] - ExecutionListeners on boundaryEvents will be not executed
  • [CAM-1797] - SignallableActivityBehavior execution.getCurrentActivityName() returns null
  • [CAM-1799] - I can validate a model with IBM JDK
  • [CAM-1806] - ScopedAssociation.getVariable() cannot handle local variables
  • [CAM-1815] - Start timer event fires although the process definition is suspended
  • [CAM-1846] - Jackson does not use proper TimeZone to deserialize a given date
  • [CAM-1855] - Fix any elements of ExtensionElements
  • [CAM-1864] - The variable tab in process instance view does not refresh properly
  • [CAM-1866] - TaskEntity and ExecutionEntity not serializable
  • [CAM-1883] - ScopeActivity has a wrong parentActivityInstanceId
  • [CAM-1892] - layout splitter style broken in cockpit
  • [CAM-1895] - Activity Instance Tree selection only possible on text
  • [CAM-1897] - Mouse icon changes in cockpit navigation dropdown "sign out"
  • [CAM-1908] - Harmonize column data type in sql scripts
  • [CAM-1927] - Submitting a TaskForm does not trigger an UserOperationLog-Event
  • [CAM-1946] - No filter refresh after activity selection change
  • [CAM-1963] - Null check target attribute of camunda:in/camunda:out element
  • [CAM-1968] - Event subscriptions are missing in subprocess
  • [CAM-1979] - ProcessApplicationExecutionListener invoked twice for one activity execution
  • [CAM-1986] - variables in cockpit not working with MS SQL
  • [CAM-2009] - Suspended job is executed
  • [CAM-2010] - Support Multipart Formdata in REST Api
  • [CAM-2015] - if menu gets too long, the lower parts are unreachable
  • [CAM-2016] - Throw exception when event subprocess has incoming/outgoing sequence flows
  • [CAM-2024] - Instance Tree Filter not working in Runtime View
  • [CAM-2025] - HistoricIncident has the state "deleted" instead of "resolved" when set the number retries by job definition id
  • [CAM-2048] - Activity instance node labels are not displayed in IE9
  • [CAM-2049] - The text-overflow of an activity instance tree node does not work proper in Firefox
  • [CAM-2050] - problems rendering labels
  • [CAM-2052] - Variable type cannot be changed to byte array backed type
  • [CAM-2054] - process diagram not rendered correctly
  • [CAM-2055] - Diagram is shown multiple when click multiple on the magnifier button
  • [CAM-2056] - BusinessProcess.get/setVariable does not work in a TaskListener which is not invoked by an atomic operation
  • [CAM-2058] - generated Task Forms documentation is missing readonly statement
  • [CAM-2059] - generated task forms checkbox also shows id in html
  • [CAM-2060] - links unreachable in installation guide
  • [CAM-2063] - Cycle footer cannot display version
  • [CAM-2073] - Activity selection from tabs
  • [CAM-3699] - Dead Links to database configuration in installation guide
  • [CAM-4089] - Fix download links to previous versions
  • [CAM-6521] - dead link in documentation

Feature Request

  • [CAM-73] - As Operator, I can see the history of variables in cockpit
  • [CAM-112] - As DEV, I can use the Non-interrupting Message Event Sub-Process
  • [CAM-448] - I can use the process engine services from a Java Delegate
  • [CAM-718] - As Operator, I can see what happened in a process instance, highlighted in the bpmn diagramm
  • [CAM-836] - Expose Incident Infrastructure in ProcessInstance-, Execution- and ProcessDefinitionQuery
  • [CAM-1014] - Incidents Tab does not respond to Activity selection
  • [CAM-1054] - Support JBOSS EAP 6.1 and JBoss 7.2
  • [CAM-1123] - Start Process Instance by passing a businessKey via REST API
  • [CAM-1182] - As Operator, I can see and edit candidate groups on user task tab
  • [CAM-1201] - Using the REST Api, I can get and edit groups of a task
  • [CAM-1240] - As Dev I can configure where to retrieve "bpm-platform.xml" from
  • [CAM-1280] - I can get the BPMN 2.0 Process Diagram via REST API
  • [CAM-1322] - Extend embedded task forms in Tasklist (custom attributes, scripts)
  • [CAM-1348] - As Developer, I can define a task listener for task deletion
  • [CAM-1388] - Using embedded forms, I can use more fields in the camunda BPM tasklist
  • [CAM-1391] - I can query for HistoricVariableInstances using executionId and taskId
  • [CAM-1395] - I can use Generated Forms in Process Engine
  • [CAM-1403] - As Operator I can suspend and activate a single process instance
  • [CAM-1419] - Binary Variable Types in Cockpit
  • [CAM-1421] - As Operator I can suspend/reactivate job execution by activity
  • [CAM-1444] - Add H2 webapp to tomcat distribution
  • [CAM-1459] - Using the Java API, I can query for JobDefinitions
  • [CAM-1460] - Using the REST Api, I can query for Job Definitions
  • [CAM-1461] - Using the Java API, I can Suspend / Activate a Job Definition
  • [CAM-1462] - Using the REST Api, I can suspend / activate a Job Definition
  • [CAM-1463] - Suspending/Activating a process definition suspends/activates all associated Job Definitions & Instances
  • [CAM-1464] - Suspending/activating a Process Instance suspends/activates all associated Job Instances
  • [CAM-1467] - If I suspend a Job Definition, the Job Executor will not execute any Instances of the Job Definition
  • [CAM-1468] - As cockpit user, I can see the Job Definitions for a Process Definition
  • [CAM-1469] - As cockpit user, I can suspend/activate a Job Definition
  • [CAM-1470] - As cockpit user, I can see which activities have suspended Job Definitions on the Diagram
  • [CAM-1498] - I can get and flush cached variables in engine CDI
  • [CAM-1503] - I can save the current task in engine CDI
  • [CAM-1504] - I can stop working on a task using engine CDI
  • [CAM-1505] - When using the REST API, I can start a process instance by key
  • [CAM-1542] - As Plugin Developer I can provide an Action to the Toolbar
  • [CAM-1554] - As Operator, I can suspend/activate a process definition
  • [CAM-1555] - As operator I can also select BPMN elements with job definitions
  • [CAM-1556] - As Operator I can see suspended process definitions and instances
  • [CAM-1558] - As Operator I can trigger a retry for a single failed job
  • [CAM-1566] - Provide for external JNDI configuration of LDAP attributes
  • [CAM-1573] - Add shaded classes to source jar whenever maven-shade-plugin is used
  • [CAM-1579] - As Operator, I can see finished process instances for a process definition (Full View)
  • [CAM-1581] - I can read documentation on how to use the formkey attribute for a user task
  • [CAM-1584] - As an operator, I can refresh the browser window without loosing the current view layout
  • [CAM-1593] - Remove delete from Task Life Cycle diagram
  • [CAM-1602] - Remove drools dependency and unrecommended code
  • [CAM-1603] - Remove incomplete/confusing WebService implementation from codebase
  • [CAM-1610] - As bpmn.js renderer I can interpret a missing isExpanded attribute for callActivity and subProcess
  • [CAM-1612] - As DEV, I can trigger a receive task using correlateMessage() and messageEventReceived()
  • [CAM-1613] - As Operator I can search for finished process instances
  • [CAM-1614] - As Operator I can see the Incidents for finished process instances
  • [CAM-1615] - Support for JBoss EAP 6.2
  • [CAM-1654] - As DEV, I can define a follow up date for tasks
  • [CAM-1656] - As Dev I can query for HistoricActivityInstances which have completed a scope or was canceled
  • [CAM-1659] - As Dev I can get statistics about historic activity instances for a specific process definition id
  • [CAM-1673] - I can use local variables in engine-cdi / BusinessProcess-Bean
  • [CAM-1677] - I can deploy engine-rest application to oracle WLS
  • [CAM-1678] - I can deploy camunda-webapp application to oracle WLS
  • [CAM-1679] - I can download a camunda BPM distribution for oracle WLS
  • [CAM-1680] - I can read documentation about how to install shared process engine in WLS
  • [CAM-1700] - I can query the history for Task Details
  • [CAM-1703] - I can create a new BPMN model by using the BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1704] - I can import and export an existing BPMN model from XML
  • [CAM-1706] - I can use a fluent builder API to create a simple BPMN model
  • [CAM-1720] - As dev, I can read upgrade manual for enterprise patch releases
  • [CAM-1724] - As dev, I can use advanced TaskQuerys
  • [CAM-1725] - As dev, I can use advanced HistoricProcessInstanceQuery
  • [CAM-1737] - I can deactivate plugins in cockpit through a view provider configuration
  • [CAM-1738] - As Operator I can retry all failed jobs of a job definition
  • [CAM-1756] - Task Operations are logged at history level Full
  • [CAM-1757] - I can Query for Historic Task Details using the REST api
  • [CAM-1758] - Cleanup existing Task Event Api
  • [CAM-1769] - Expose HistoricActivityStatisticsQuery via REST Api
  • [CAM-1770] - Expose HistoricActivityInstanceQuery#completeScope() and HistoricActivityInstanceQuery#canceled() via REST Api
  • [CAM-1775] - I can correlate a message by processInstanceId
  • [CAM-1779] - As Operator I can see where I was in the browser history
  • [CAM-1780] - As Dev I can configure some styles of camunda webapp
  • [CAM-1835] - I can read/write BPMN DI elements
  • [CAM-1836] - I can create subprocess BPMN elements with the fluent model API
  • [CAM-1837] - I can use collaboration BPMN elements with BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1848] - As Operator I can see finished activity instances in the tree
  • [CAM-1849] - As Operator I can see the Audit Log of a process instance
  • [CAM-1854] - I can set/get the camunda BPMN extensions through the BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1856] - I can get the model instance using the repository service
  • [CAM-1857] - I can access the current BPMN model element from Java delagation code
  • [CAM-1874] - As Operator I can search and filter the activity instance tree
  • [CAM-1875] - As Operator I can see the history of user tasks
  • [CAM-1887] - Create maintenance infrastructure for BPMN model API repo
  • [CAM-1944] - Using the REST Api I can query for historic incidents
  • [CAM-1945] - Using the Java Api, I can query for HistoricIncidents
  • [CAM-1957] - Using the ManagementService I can set the value of a property
  • [CAM-1958] - As webapp plugin Dev I can provide a plugin resource override
  • [CAM-1960] - As DEV I can write Server-Side Admin Plugins
  • [CAM-1961] - As DEV I can write Client-Side Admin Plugins
  • [CAM-1988] - Incorrect Execution Listener invocation for event subprocess
  • [CAM-2003] - As Operator I can see process instances filtered by parent (History)
  • [CAM-2007] - Using the REST API I can get a variable instance by ID
  • [CAM-2011] - Using the REST API I can update the content of a binary variable
  • [CAM-2018] - I can use timer event subprocess
  • [CAM-2030] - Using the Java API I can send a signal with name & data
  • [CAM-2053] - Support Task Events using CDI Events
  • [CAM-2991] - I can read docs about multi tenancy
  • [CAM-2992] - I can read documentation on JTA


  • [CAM-996] - Useability Improvement: "..."-indication shows that process instance id is shortened
  • [CAM-1230] - provide maven classes-jar dependency for camunda-webapp, so that i can extend standard functionality
  • [CAM-1242] - Add "history level NONE" profile in CI
  • [CAM-1243] - Maintenance Merge CI Jobs should not run Testsuite
  • [CAM-1249] - Add CI job for running webapp unit testsuite with DB table prefix
  • [CAM-1252] - Use a lightbox instead of a modal dialog to enlarge pictures
  • [CAM-1333] - Add JBoss QA for EAP 6.1
  • [CAM-1334] - Upgrade JBoss in QA and Distro to 7.2
  • [CAM-1339] - Document docpad-plugin-links
  • [CAM-1358] - wrong Namespace Prefix for failedJobRetryTimeCycle in docs
  • [CAM-1401] - Support Tomcat's catalina_base environment variable
  • [CAM-1420] - Spike and Infrastructure: History in Cockpit
  • [CAM-1436] - Provide "classes" jar for camunda webapplication
  • [CAM-1438] - SEO-Improvement: reduce number of h1-Tags on
  • [CAM-1515] - Remove unique constraints on ACT_RU_EXECUTION for DB2
  • [CAM-1545] - Spike: WebLogic
  • [CAM-1582] - Make engine work with camunda: prefix and namespace for job retry
  • [CAM-1598] - Decrease log level on exceptions resulting from bad requests by a client application
  • [CAM-1609] - Keep Fox-TaskForm from being injected
  • [CAM-1621] - Check Oracle-XA datasource configuration for JBoss in QA / CI
  • [CAM-1628] - Spike and Infrastructure: UI Testframework for webapps
  • [CAM-1634] - Adjust how-to develop a cockpit plugin section in docs
  • [CAM-1637] - Spike: BPMN 2.0 Model API
  • [CAM-1642] - provide basic functionality library for webapps UI testing with protractor
  • [CAM-1649] - create Full-View for process definition
  • [CAM-1674] - In Docs: adjust links to point to new consulting repository
  • [CAM-1682] - Provide Jenkins Build for Webapp Integration Tests on WLS
  • [CAM-1683] - include WLS in Supported environments
  • [CAM-1686] - Spike: Use Grunt as front-end build tool
  • [CAM-1691] - fix package JavaDoc of the engine module
  • [CAM-1692] - configure syntax highlighting for docpad
  • [CAM-1708] - Create test suite and structure for BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1709] - Extract XML core model into a separate maven artifact
  • [CAM-1712] - Generate web assets using Grunt integrated in Maven build
  • [CAM-1713] - Test javascript assets during build
  • [CAM-1715] - Implement references in the BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1716] - Introduce parent pom to allow engine only builds
  • [CAM-1721] - Throw a ProcessEngineException when a loop variable could be found for a specific execution
  • [CAM-1732] - Fix Engine Rest Wink tests on CI
  • [CAM-1759] - Make BPMN model API publicly available
  • [CAM-1760] - write initial Blogpost for BPMN model API
  • [CAM-1766] - Performance Testing Spike
  • [CAM-1798] - Set Up Database QA for cockpit EE plugins
  • [CAM-1804] - Expose new TaskQuery properties via REST Api
  • [CAM-1805] - Expose new HistoricProcessInstanceQuery properties via REST Api
  • [CAM-1819] - create a quickstart with JSF forms
  • [CAM-1820] - Spike: how to integrate BPMN Model API with camunda BPM
  • [CAM-1829] - Fix namespace serialization
  • [CAM-1842] - Engine should not throw exception when Acquired Job does not exist anymore
  • [CAM-1847] - create Full-View Infrastructure for PI-View
  • [CAM-1851] - prepare BPMN model API pom for maven central
  • [CAM-1852] - Create subresource for historic process instance
  • [CAM-1858] - Integrate BPMN model API in community release and EE-nightly release
  • [CAM-1859] - Add BPMN model API to jenkis ci
  • [CAM-1860] - Add BPMN model API jars to all distributions
  • [CAM-1861] - Consolidate "Community Extensions"
  • [CAM-1862] - Consolidate "Examples" and "Quickstarts"
  • [CAM-1865] - Breadcrumbs should be initialized with history data in "History" view
  • [CAM-1873] - Example for custom attributes and parse listener
  • [CAM-1882] - Add license check for camunda webapp
  • [CAM-1886] - Create icons to express the state of an activity instance
  • [CAM-1899] - frontend assets cache busting
  • [CAM-1903] - Generate OSGi headers
  • [CAM-1905] - Prevent multiple queries for process definition in Deployment Cache
  • [CAM-1906] - Enable "cached entity state optimization" for all executions inside a process instance
  • [CAM-1911] - decide on how to name full/live views
  • [CAM-1912] - spike: lower network footprints in webapp
  • [CAM-1914] - Improve Exception for missing assets in cockpit plugin
  • [CAM-1923] - show number of cancelled activity instances on process instance view
  • [CAM-1924] - TaskService.setPriority() is logged in the User Operation Log
  • [CAM-1947] - Sort Processes on cockpit start page in alphabetical order
  • [CAM-1959] - Generalize Cockpit Plugin Infrastructure
  • [CAM-1964] - Provide Java License Key Generator
  • [CAM-1965] - As Dev I can read in docs how to deactivate a cockpit plugin
  • [CAM-1966] - Implement cached entity state for variables & call actities
  • [CAM-1967] - Optimize Execution Tree (pre)fetching
  • [CAM-1969] - license key enterprise documentation
  • [CAM-1970] - As cockpit user I can see help texts for state symbols
  • [CAM-1980] - decide about styles and colors of badges in cockpit
  • [CAM-1983] - rendering/executing switch for validation in bpmn.js renderer
  • [CAM-1987] - Adjust label positioning
  • [CAM-1989] - add mouseover help text to badges
  • [CAM-1993] - check signal event subprocesses
  • [CAM-2004] - Include 3rd Party Libraries in Docs
  • [CAM-2005] - perform spelling check on docs
  • [CAM-2023] - add visualization for process and instance view in cockpit
  • [CAM-2026] - Test Migration Guide
  • [CAM-2028] - Align historic variable queries with runtime var instance query
  • [CAM-2031] - Expose 'activityType' in RuntimeService.getActivityInstance()
  • [CAM-2032] - Update BPMN model API readme
  • [CAM-2033] - Release Docs for 7.1 (stable)
  • [CAM-2034] - improve robustness of license check
  • [CAM-2035] - Test examples on the different application server
  • [CAM-2037] - Release 7.1.0-Final
  • [CAM-2038] - document what is public API
  • [CAM-2039] - While searching the docs navigation, I get proposals of possible results
  • [CAM-2040] - Test branching for 7.1 Release
  • [CAM-2045] - Create CI jobs for 7.1 branch
  • [CAM-2046] - Provide Set of builtin resource classes in REST
  • [CAM-2057] - Provide standalone distributions for camunda webapp
  • [CAM-2064] - Add H2 webapp to Glassfish distro
  • [CAM-2067] - Add camunda standalone webapp to download pages
  • [CAM-2080] - Create 7.1 Release tag in examples repository
  • [CAM-2081] - Update Getting started & maven dependencies on
  • [CAM-2125] - Improve docs on Spring + shared engine integration
  • [CAM-2333] - change link to enterprise site in docs
  • [CAM-2334] - Add Plugin Points to cockpit docs
  • [CAM-3835] - Fix typos in REST API documentation
  • [CAM-4111] - Add Admin to components view
  • [CAM-4206] - Add disclaimer to real life tutorials
  • [CAM-4327] - Remove 'Version Migration' chapter in user guide
  • [CAM-5967] - Remove hint "works with Spring" in CDI and Java EE Integration section

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