Bug Report
- [CAM-8724] - JobExecutor is not respecting due date for timers with due below 5 seconds
- [CAM-9571] - Failed jobs prevent other jobs in same instance from being executed
- [CAM-9932] - Spin Value XML and JSON lose transient flag when built from UntypedValue
- [CAM-10360] - Deadlock exception when set removal time batch is executed
- [CAM-10577] - Tomcat distro should use maxTotal instead of maxActive setting for database connection pool
- [CAM-10650] - SpringBoot Starter using CompositeHistoryEventHandler breaks BC
- [CAM-10738] - Spring Boot Starter: Cockpit not accessible
- [CAM-10832] - Externally cancelled subprocesses receive incorrect final state
- [CAM-10911] - Authentication servlet filter tries to create a new session after response was committed
- [CAM-10931] - Migration of a process instance waiting in an async start event fails with unique constraint violation
- [CAM-10948] - Welcome Webapp only shows group memberships of user
- [CAM-10954] - Copying Start and End Time from Cockpit Process Instance view isn't time zone related.
- [CAM-10957] - In Cockpit, I cannot see clearly how many process instances are affected by batch modification operation
- [CAM-10977] - Tomcat Webapp includes Resteasy 2.3.5
- [CAM-11049] - In Webapps, redirect after login is broken
- [CAM-11070] - An operation log entry is created when the license file is read from local directory
- [CAM-11073] - With Oracle db the limit of user operation log's annotation in the webapps (4000) is too much
- [CAM-11075] - In Cockpit, the stacktrace window allows for horizontal resize which can be pulled outside the parent container
- [CAM-11109] - In Tasklist, tasks are not showing up
- [CAM-11116] - Inconsistent types for ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_ in Oracle database scripts
- [CAM-11117] - Slow Historic Activity Instance query
- [CAM-11118] - Failing batch operation when queryMaxResultsLimit is configured
- [CAM-11147] - NullPointerException when two nodes tries to reconfigure history clean up
- [CAM-11148] - In REST API, check authorization request fails when query limit is active
- [CAM-11150] - In REST API, groups info request fails when query limit is active
- [CAM-11155] - In Cockpit User Operation Log Table, Details are not shown
- [CAM-11176] - Embedded forms display undefined select option
- [CAM-11179] - Task query 'withoutCandidateGroups' and 'withoutCandidateUsers' slow on Postgres
- [CAM-11192] - Cannot login to Camunda Webapp after session timeout
- [CAM-11206] - On Process Dashboard, sorting by Name is broken
- [CAM-11218] - Example on how to start the latest process definition for a version tag is wrong
- [CAM-11245] - Increment Number of Retries doesn't work
- [CAM-11249] - On Batch Overview, running batches have 'Completed Batch Details'
- [CAM-11250] - History event process instance update instead of migrate emitted
- [CAM-11287] - In Cockpit, the context menu in edit mode of DMN tables doesn't work
- [CAM-11323] - camunda-engine should not expose gson dependency
- [CAM-11324] - Invoice Task Form shows validation error for empty dropdown
- [CAM-11361] - Wrong docs about the "lastFailingActivityId" field
- [CAM-11378] - Spring Boot Starter should not run jobs in acquisition thread when thread pool queue is full
- [CAM-11380] - State of HistoricProcessInstance is set to null after ProcessInstance migration
- [CAM-11381] - Spring Boot starter default filter creation is not resilient in cluster setups
- [CAM-11401] - Start Form: An empty taskId parameter is present in the URL
- [CAM-11448] - NullPointerException when empty string is passed in errorDetails when reporting external task failure
- [CAM-11598] - Metrics toggle configuration is not working as expected
- [CAM-11599] - In Cockpit, on the deployment page, process definition loader never ends
- [CAM-11601] - Elements with Job Definitions are no longer selectable
- [CAM-11624] - Some historic task instance reports have redundant auth checks
- [CAM-11649] - In Tasklist, Filters are not sorted by priority when having multiple pages
- [CAM-11650] - In Tasklist, Pagination info is lost after page refresh
- [CAM-11656] - DRD Overlay Plugin points are broken
- [CAM-11667] - In the REST API, the "assigneeIn" example for task queries needs to be an array
- [CAM-11673] - Release patches and update in new version: License Check Whitespace Fix IN-82
- [CAM-11679] - ExecuteJobsRunnable does not call hook method
- [CAM-11703] - JavaScript error when logging out of the Tasklist application
- [CAM-11731] - In run, default.yml is not taken into account
- [CAM-11749] - Generated C# code of OpenAPI does not compile
- [CAM-11750] - After Camunda restart existing deployments are not registered with the engine
- [CAM-11753] - Typo in examples: BlockingCommandInterceptorPlugin
- [CAM-11762] - DMN Hit policy example mismatch from the docs for Hit policy=“Any”
- [CAM-11770] - In Cockpit, error details are not shown correctly
- [CAM-11772] - In Cockpit, in case of multi instance the badge does not show how often the inner activity has been executed
- [CAM-11774] - Field errorDetails in ExternalTaskDto is always null
- [CAM-11788] - Failing tests for larger data set
- [CAM-11801] - OpenAPI: Properties with `null` values are missing in the examples
- [CAM-11840] - Broken CORS support: OPTIONS preflight must not require authentication. Include Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers
- [CAM-11885] - Camunda BPM Run: CORS does not allow all HTTP methods by default
- [CAM-11887] - High DB query time to fetch and lock external task on Postgresql
- [CAM-11899] - OptimizeApiPageSizeTest fails for operation log entries
- [CAM-11914] - EE resources are not initially accessible for a non-admin user
- [CAM-11934] - In OpenAPI doc, string arrays in query parameter
Feature Request
- [CAM-9395] - Historic Task Autorizations
- [CAM-9852] - Application Cache Busting for Translation Object
- [CAM-10062] - Camunda Rest Service Distribution
- [CAM-10378] - Accurately show the failed activity in cockpit
- [CAM-10628] - Support Camunda on Oracle 19c
- [CAM-10748] - Java EE 7+ / Jakarta EE Managed Threading Integration
- [CAM-10784] - I can see a hostname in historic Job Log
- [CAM-10789] - Allow event subscriptions query in the Engine
- [CAM-10894] - OpenAPI documentation for Camunda Rest API
- [CAM-10895] - When modifying a process instance with a single cancel instruction, then the instances are preselected by the activity to cancel
- [CAM-10905] - BPMN model API: groups and categories
- [CAM-10914] - Get List of Distinct External Task Topic Names
- [CAM-10952] - Query tasks by list of process instance ids
- [CAM-10978] - History should contain the process variables after error in Async-Before at the start event
- [CAM-10983] - Start activities in closest common ancestor activity instance when moving tokens in process instance view
- [CAM-11061] - Automatically update expired license key in Spring Boot Starter
- [CAM-11131] - Support externallyTerminated flag for process instance cancelation through modification
- [CAM-11149] - In Java API, I can perform an unlimited query
- [CAM-11158] - I can configure if a process engine participates in history cleanup
- [CAM-11160] - Allow asynchronous on multi-instance characteristics
- [CAM-11182] - I can configure the invocations per batch job by batch type
- [CAM-11183] - Asynchronous non-batch Cockpit operations are deployment-aware
- [CAM-11184] - Add support for full FEEL 1.2 feature set
- [CAM-11185] - Kickoff: Angular JS to React migration in Cockpit
- [CAM-11188] - All batches are deployment-aware
- [CAM-11189] - Historic Process Instance Authorizations
- [CAM-11230] - Add BPMN Documentation through the BPMN Model API
- [CAM-11233] - I can query the Rest API Historic Job Logs endpoint by host name
- [CAM-11234] - Historic Job Logs provide hostname information in Cockpit
- [CAM-11235] - Add missing getters to ProcessInstanceSuspensionStateDto
- [CAM-11273] - Add a query filter for the failed activity id of a job
- [CAM-11274] - Add a query filter for the failed activity id of an incident
- [CAM-11275] - In Cockpit, I can see the id of the activity that failed a job
- [CAM-11276] - In Tasklist, add filtering for task by processInstanceIdIn
- [CAM-11290] - CORS support
- [CAM-11293] - Enable authentication
- [CAM-11294] - Creation of a demo user
- [CAM-11295] - Deployment of demo processes
- [CAM-11296] - Deployment of forms and scripts
- [CAM-11298] - Considerate default configurations of security features
- [CAM-11299] - Load customer license from default location(s)
- [CAM-11300] - Enable logging configuration
- [CAM-11301] - Enable HTTPS support
- [CAM-11302] - Provide separated get-started and production config
- [CAM-11305] - Provide a Docker Container for Camunda BPM Run
- [CAM-11321] - Provide template engines 2.0
- [CAM-11325] - I can retrieve the definitions sorted by their deployment time
- [CAM-11336] - Add support for Postgres 12.2
- [CAM-11449] - Camunda BPM Run distro should contain license book, license and notice file
- [CAM-11455] - Support Java 14
- [CAM-11456] - Support Wildfly 19
- [CAM-11477] - Run is published at release pages
- [CAM-11481] - Provide SQL scripts in Camunda BPM Run
- [CAM-11482] - Create initial project for the generation of OpenAPI documentation
- [CAM-11529] - OpenAPI: Condition endpoints
- [CAM-11530] - OpenAPI: Signal endpoints
- [CAM-11531] - OpenAPI: Message endpoints
- [CAM-11532] - OpenAPI: Metrics endpoints
- [CAM-11535] - OpenAPI: Deployment endpoints
- [CAM-11536] - OpenAPI: Engine endpoints
- [CAM-11537] - OpenAPI: Schema Log endpoints
- [CAM-11538] - OpenAPI: Version endpoints
- [CAM-11540] - OpenAPI: External Task endpoints
- [CAM-11547] - OpenAPI: Process Definition endpoints
- [CAM-11548] - OpenAPI: Task endpoints (without subresource)
- [CAM-11550] - OpenAPI: Task Comment subresource endpoints
- [CAM-11551] - OpenAPI: Task attachment subresource endpoints
- [CAM-11552] - OpenAPI: Task Identity Links subresource endpoints
- [CAM-11553] - OpenAPI: Task variables subresource endpoints
- [CAM-11554] - OpenAPI: Task local variables subresource endpoints
- [CAM-11628] - Historic task permissions are enforced for user operation log
- [CAM-11668] - I can query for tasks not assigned to a specific user
- [CAM-11725] - Allow to specify the cause exception when creating a BpmnError
- [CAM-11734] - make parsing of auhtorized engine header more robust
- [CAM-11816] - Admin: Display new pricing model metrics
- [CAM-3384] - Add date picker to add variable modal dialog
- [CAM-8239] - Document REST API DELETE /task/{id}
- [CAM-9456] - Identity Verification Rest API documentation error
- [CAM-9457] - Create user Rest endpoint has incomplete Consume annotation
- [CAM-10099] - Update current year in NOTICE automatically
- [CAM-10419] - License Book Generation 2.0
- [CAM-10499] - Merge the webapp repos
- [CAM-10539] - Clarify documentation on javaSerializationFormatEnabled
- [CAM-10583] - Update typed-values old version after platform 7.12 release
- [CAM-10604] - In Spring Boot, selenium based Webapp ITs are executed
- [CAM-10682] - Invoice example: Replace the CMMN call activity with a BPMN call activity
- [CAM-10779] - Update Mybatis to latest version
- [CAM-10882] - Document logging configurations for common cases
- [CAM-10888] - Automatically set up container for manual testing of Camunda in Weblogic and Websphere
- [CAM-10915] - Remove unsupported environments from codebase and CI
- [CAM-10919] - Update to dmn-js library supporting DMN 1.2 and 1.3 diagram interchange
- [CAM-10935] - PR: changes to portuguese translation
- [CAM-10953] - Add index to historic variable instance table
- [CAM-10988] - Webapp IT single test maven execution fails
- [CAM-11007] - Activate Query limit for webapp development profiles
- [CAM-11032] - Update Platform versions after 7.12 release
- [CAM-11060] - Validate camundaBPM property of license key
- [CAM-11062] - Clarify supported use cases for marker-based multi-tenancy
- [CAM-11081] - In Tasklist, null is displayed in notification instead of task id
- [CAM-11094] - In Cockpit, the "SetAnnotation" is missing in the Operation Type drop down list
- [CAM-11095] - Improve user operation log documentation for the webapps
- [CAM-11100] - Remove testing code specific to SQL Server 2008
- [CAM-11102] - Remove testing code specific to JBoss 7 / JBoss EAP 61, 6.2, 6.3
- [CAM-11103] - Remove JBoss application server from JBoss distro
- [CAM-11104] - Remove test code specific to Oracle 10
- [CAM-11105] - Move source code level to Java 8
- [CAM-11106] - Remove Wildfly 8 modules
- [CAM-11108] - Move DB2-version specific test code from 9.7/10.1 to 10.5
- [CAM-11128] - I can read documentation about the supported auto-config jackson modules
- [CAM-11132] - Documentation - Add History related metrics in built-in Metrics list
- [CAM-11141] - Add Object variables examples for Java External Task Client
- [CAM-11144] - Remove IE compatibility in webapp build process
- [CAM-11151] - Remove unreferenced class from REST API
- [CAM-11152] - I can read documentation about custom user/group queries and query limit
- [CAM-11153] - Use Production build of Inferno
- [CAM-11154] - Fix JIRA link in enterprise docs
- [CAM-11156] - Merge model API repositories into platform
- [CAM-11157] - Move postgres version specific test code from 9.1/9.3 to 9.4
- [CAM-11159] - Enable maven.javadoc.failOnError for our sideprojects
- [CAM-11163] - Fix travis ci builds which fail due to too many log entries
- [CAM-11164] - In Cockpit, incidents badge is misplaced
- [CAM-11167] - camunda.cfg.prefix.xml configuration is not taken into account because of DbSchemaPrefixTestHelper
- [CAM-11170] - 7.13 snapshot version was not promoted during release
- [CAM-11171] - Remove Unit Tests for Commons-UI
- [CAM-11175] - Remove MapJacksonJsonTypeDetector in camunda-spin
- [CAM-11178] - Travis build fails due to exceeded log output
- [CAM-11186] - Backend: Implement new Pricing Model Metrics
- [CAM-11187] - Support new DMN 1.3 schema
- [CAM-11191] - Test transient flag is preserved in call activity mapping
- [CAM-11194] - Remove commons-ui documentation
- [CAM-11199] - Enable license check in sideprojects travis build
- [CAM-11211] - Remove NOTICE and LICENSE files from merged repos
- [CAM-11212] - Update NOTICE files for 2020
- [CAM-11213] - In REST API documentation, name of payload property is wrong
- [CAM-11214] - In Cockpit, on cleanup page wrong state is indicated when cleanup is disabled
- [CAM-11215] - Document support for new license format
- [CAM-11221] - JBoss EAP 6.4 is covered by Domain & Servlet IT tests
- [CAM-11222] - E2E tests are broken after Java 8 source code level change
- [CAM-11231] - Refactor ProcessDefinitionQueryDto attributes to protected
- [CAM-11237] - Doc - update create model api sample code
- [CAM-11247] - Incorrectly uploaded artifacts in nexus via the test release job
- [CAM-11251] - Make spring boot starter examples use bom
- [CAM-11270] - Document necessity to configure datasource and transaction manager consistently
- [CAM-11279] - Take ownership of release scripts
- [CAM-11284] - Release adjustment due to Maven Central 501 HTTPS Required
- [CAM-11285] - Update Resteasy to latest version
- [CAM-11291] - Set up test infrastructure
- [CAM-11292] - Setup codebase and release build for Camunda BPM Run
- [CAM-11297] - Update README
- [CAM-11303] - Integrate Camunda BPM Run in User Guide
- [CAM-11322] - Automatically promote the camunda-qa-docker-ee module version
- [CAM-11329] - In Scala FEEL Engine, non-community CI is used
- [CAM-11330] - Improve authorization tests for set job retries operation
- [CAM-11333] - Update German webapp translations
- [CAM-11341] - Adjust docs to new corporate branding
- [CAM-11343] - Adjust webapps to new corporate branding
- [CAM-11345] - Remove BOM from platform parent hierarchy
- [CAM-11349] - In Docker QA image, database url env variable is empty on db2
- [CAM-11365] - Scala FEEL Engine cannot be used with IBM Java 8 SDK Build pxa6480-20150129_02
- [CAM-11366] - I can build the Docker QA images without pushing to a remote registry
- [CAM-11371] - Create tests to validate the Optimize API works with all databases
- [CAM-11373] - In Spring Boot & Camunda Run, application path of webapps is set to /camunda
- [CAM-11383] - Establish a reasonable default config for the start scripts
- [CAM-11389] - Move Spring Boot Starter repo to platform
- [CAM-11394] - Make clear on how to 'skip' minor versions in docs
- [CAM-11395] - Use left join to test variable value conditions in historic process instance query
- [CAM-11402] - Move Spring Boot Starter EE parts to platform-ee
- [CAM-11415] - Remove unresolvable maven plugin repository
- [CAM-11425] - Resolve nexus repository properties in platform-ee via profiles
- [CAM-11427] - Make the note about undeploying invoice more prominent in security instructions:
- [CAM-11428] - Change Spring Boot & Camunda Run REST API application path to /engine-rest
- [CAM-11469] - In Webapps, change demo data of development profile to work with FEEL
- [CAM-11480] - Add integration test for auto deployment of resource files
- [CAM-11499] - Doc - Add Phone support section in Enterprise->Support page
- [CAM-11505] - Rename database directory to userlib
- [CAM-11510] - Rename CamundaBpmRunSecurityConfiguration
- [CAM-11511] - Documentation - Add known issue of artifactory while configuring Maven remote repo
- [CAM-11513] - Docker QA images use latest supported JDBC drivers
- [CAM-11514] - Docker QA images can be built with snapshot version
- [CAM-11517] - Integrate Starter QA and Camunda Run QA projects into distro profile without executing their tests
- [CAM-11518] - Document Oracle 19 support
- [CAM-11521] - Update user guide from DMN 1.1 to DMN 1.3
- [CAM-11522] - Update getting started guide from DMN 1.1 to DMN 1.3
- [CAM-11579] - In the FEEL section of the Migration Guide, fix typo about double-quoted string literals
- [CAM-11581] - OpenAPI: Add example for Condition endpoints
- [CAM-11583] - Release scripts: adjust merged repositories in build-maintenance.xml
- [CAM-11584] - Add release scripts macro for updating frontend Camunda dependencies
- [CAM-11585] - On portainer, cleanup autosetup templates
- [CAM-11586] - Release scripts: Silent warning when pom.xmls can't be found during release build
- [CAM-11587] - Remove unused ant build files
- [CAM-11597] - OpenAPI: Add example for Process instance endpoints
- [CAM-11600] - Add local testing hints to release-scripts readme
- [CAM-11607] - Change docker registry in portainer stacks & QA
- [CAM-11609] - Set up 7.13 announcements page in the docs
- [CAM-11629] - In Admin, remove READ_HISTORY from TASK resource
- [CAM-11654] - Fix property description in Deployment OpenAPI spec
- [CAM-11662] - Add a Dto macro in the OpenAPI templates
- [CAM-11665] - Camunda Run integration tests fail on Unix systems
- [CAM-11669] - Failing JPAVariableTest with IBM JDK 8
- [CAM-11671] - Retire support for Weblogic 12R1
- [CAM-11674] - Add changes to cockpit DMN editor to migration guide
- [CAM-11683] - Update Screenshots in the camunda-welcome page
- [CAM-11688] - Correct documentation about enforceSpecificVariablePermission
- [CAM-11693] - Failing TEST-create-camunda-bpm-maintenance-branch
- [CAM-11700] - Cockpit should enable the hierachical flag for a removal time batch operation by default
- [CAM-11712] - Expose "externalTaskIdIn" criterion in external task query to REST API
- [CAM-11713] - Expose "jobIds" criterion in job query to REST API
- [CAM-11714] - Expose "processInstanceIds" criterion in job query to REST API
- [CAM-11715] - Docs links in OpenAPI alpha releases refer to unexisting docs-manual version
- [CAM-11720] - Increase timeout for smoke test of docker qa images
- [CAM-11723] - Add suspension related operations to user operations log filter
- [CAM-11732] - Update name of application.yml in the Run user guide
- [CAM-11733] - Add overview of camunda:connector extension
- [CAM-11738] - In run, align notation style of property names in yml config files
- [CAM-11741] - Remove unnecessary left join in variable & detail query for historic instance permissions
- [CAM-11745] - Documentation of FEEL Scala Engine is versioned
- [CAM-11751] - Add Camunda BPM Run to enterprise download page
- [CAM-11764] - License book is up to date
- [CAM-11766] - Document OpenAPI for REST API in the manual documentation
- [CAM-11767] - OpenAPI client [C#]: Exception on fetch and lock
- [CAM-11769] - Log in the user operations history if a suspension of a process definition includes the process instances
- [CAM-11778] - Literal error
- [CAM-11780] - Fix brazilian translation for admin webapps
- [CAM-11789] - Add sequence counter to Optimize Historic Activity Instance Dto
- [CAM-11799] - Add missing tests for Optimize-specific DTOs
- [CAM-11800] - Spring Boot CE: Webapp ITs are skipped
- [CAM-11803] - Camunda BPM Run includes outdated version of ASM
- [CAM-11819] - Improve ProcessEngineException message
- [CAM-11827] - Write notice about removed Oracle driver from Docker images
- [CAM-11829] - Fix typos in webapps documentation
- [CAM-11836] - Move Camunda BPM Run to top of Enterprise Download List
- [CAM-11841] - Update documentation so that it is clear that Node 8 is no longer supported with JS external task client 2.0.0
- [CAM-11842] - Camunda BPM 7.13 is released
- [CAM-11871] - Update Screenshots for the getting started guide
- [CAM-11884] - Document new license metrics
- [CAM-11896] - Remove PermSize Java property
- [CAM-11902] - I can read documentation about application path of webapps is set to /camunda in Spring Boot & Camunda Run
- [CAM-11910] - Update Camunda Webapp Translations to a full Camunda project
- [CAM-11922] - Expand intro to BPMN subprocesses
- [CAM-11929] - Improve DMN Unique Hit policy docs
- [CAM-11938] - Drop Internet Explorer support
- [CAM-11942] - Add info how to handle Modules for JBoss EAP 6 in docs
- [CAM-6091] - Fix Example Service Task Soap HTTP
- [CAM-11133] - Publish QA docker images automatically by release build
- [CAM-11190] - In REST API, activity instance tree maps incidents to activity ids
- [CAM-11217] - Custom History Event Handlers do not overwrite the default
- [CAM-11241] - Refactor the creation of batch operations
- [CAM-11243] - Remove file ending from LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt for distros
- [CAM-11254] - In Scala FEEL Engine, define public API
- [CAM-11255] - Scala FEEL Engine is product compliant
- [CAM-11257] - I can read a migration guide between Java and Scala FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11259] - Incorporate engine specific code from Scala FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11260] - DMN Engine can fallback to Juel FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11262] - Separate DMN Engine & FEEL integration artifact
- [CAM-11271] - I can register custom functions with the shaded Scala FEEL Engine artifact
- [CAM-11278] - Document constraints for future development of feel-scala
- [CAM-11282] - Identify breaking changes due to different type handling
- [CAM-11289] - Add test cases to validate that the FEEL type handling behavior does not change
- [CAM-11313] - In DMN Engine, configure new default expression languages
- [CAM-11314] - In DMN Engine, output rules & literal expressions typed with date should return Java util date
- [CAM-11317] - Consolidate FEEL Engine logger category
- [CAM-11342] - Investigate why scala feel integration fails when scala-doc is executed
- [CAM-11344] - Promote maven version to ensure JDK compatibility with scala maven plugin
- [CAM-11346] - Migrate feel spin to java
- [CAM-11347] - Migrate feel factory to java
- [CAM-11348] - Write dedicated blog post for 7.13.0-alpha2 about FEEL 1.2
- [CAM-11351] - Create maven project to generate OpenAPI documentation
- [CAM-11353] - Add validation to Rest OpenAPI documentation
- [CAM-11354] - Add smoke test to the Rest OpenAPI documentation
- [CAM-11363] - Release alpha of Scala FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11375] - Resolve versions in docs links
- [CAM-11376] - Generate paths out of file structure in OpenAPI project
- [CAM-11377] - Best practices for writing long description
- [CAM-11385] - UNKNOWN_BASE_TYPE after client generation
- [CAM-11390] - I can read documentation about the Java native custom function mechanism
- [CAM-11391] - Add debug option of OpenAPI doc
- [CAM-11393] - In Scala FEEL Engine, change package structure to reflect private/public API
- [CAM-11398] - In DMN Engine, change name of config setter
- [CAM-11399] - I can read documentation about the FEEL legacy behavior config flag
- [CAM-11400] - I can read documentation about the new DMN EL defaults
- [CAM-11405] - With the Java native custom function mechanism, I can use varargs
- [CAM-11407] - Dates in OpenAPI and timezone
- [CAM-11412] - In DMN Engine, throw exception on date-typed conversion of time("22:22:22@Europe/Berlin")
- [CAM-11414] - I can read documentation about supported types of the FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11416] - I can read documentation on the FEEL Engine Spin integration
- [CAM-11426] - Get rid of SpiServiceLoader usage
- [CAM-11429] - Document API of feel-scala
- [CAM-11432] - Unable to use the Scala FEEL Engine on Tomcat
- [CAM-11454] - Add Engine ITs to ensure that spin integration is available on all containers
- [CAM-11459] - Add read me page to rest openapi project
- [CAM-11461] - Resolve servers via variables
- [CAM-11464] - Consolidate FEEL Exceptions inside Scala Feel Logger
- [CAM-11466] - Tidying up
- [CAM-11467] - Do manual test if the right modules end up in the artifacts
- [CAM-11470] - Ensure context functions cannot be used
- [CAM-11471] - Add Scala FEEL version to root pom
- [CAM-11472] - Refactor feel-scala usage example
- [CAM-11473] - Change logger category
- [CAM-11474] - In FEEL Scala Docs, remove Camunda BPM specific leftovers
- [CAM-11475] - Align docs so that they reflect new FEEL Engine
- [CAM-11483] - In OpenAPI doc, only one DTO is used instead of anyOf approach
- [CAM-11484] - Resolve links with macros
- [CAM-11491] - Java API: Get List of Distinct External Task Topic Names
- [CAM-11492] - REST API: Get List of Distinct External Task Topic Names
- [CAM-11506] - Resolve properties always with macros
- [CAM-11507] - Resolve examples via macros
- [CAM-11614] - Introduce HISTORIC_TASK resource with permission READ
- [CAM-11615] - Grant READ permission when assigning specific roles
- [CAM-11616] - For cleanup, add removal time & root process instance column to authorization table
- [CAM-11617] - For cleanup, set removal time when a user creates an authorization
- [CAM-11618] - For cleanup, extend batch operation "set removal time for processes"
- [CAM-11619] - Authorization is enforced for task query
- [CAM-11620] - Authorization is enforced for variable query
- [CAM-11621] - Authorization is enforced for detail query
- [CAM-11622] - In Admin, I can grant authorization
- [CAM-11623] - Introduce config flag to enable historic instance permissions
- [CAM-11625] - I can read docs
- [CAM-11626] - Introduce READ_VARIABLE permission in HISTORIC_TASK
- [CAM-11627] - Authorization is enforced for identity link log
- [CAM-11630] - Introduce HISTORIC_PROCESS_INSTANCE resource with permission READ
- [CAM-11631] - Authorization is enforced for process instance query
- [CAM-11632] - Authorization is enforced for activity instance query
- [CAM-11633] - Authorization is enforced for variable & detail query
- [CAM-11635] - Authorization is enforced for task query
- [CAM-11636] - Authorization is enforced for user operation log query
- [CAM-11637] - Authorization is enforced for identity link log query
- [CAM-11638] - Historic permission can be enabled with config flag
- [CAM-11639] - In Admin, I can grant authorization
- [CAM-11640] - For cleanup, set removal time when a user creates an authorization
- [CAM-11642] - I can read docs
- [CAM-11643] - Authorization is enforced for historic incident query
- [CAM-11644] - Authorization is enforced for job log query
- [CAM-11645] - Authorization is enforced for external task log query
- [CAM-11646] - For cleanup, set removal time when identity link is added
- [CAM-11660] - Expose removal time & root process instance id in REST API
- [CAM-11661] - For cleanup, include deletion of authorizations in cleanup execution
- [CAM-11676] - Add Javadocs about to be granted permissions for queries
- [CAM-11686] - In Admin, I can grant READ_VARIABLE permission
- [CAM-11689] - Filter and sort ProcessDefinition by deployment time
- [CAM-11690] - Filter and sort DecisionDefinition by deployment time
- [CAM-11697] - OpenAPI: External Task query & count endpoints
- [CAM-11701] - On task deletion, historic authorization is removed
- [CAM-11709] - OpenAPI: External Task operation endpoints
- [CAM-11728] - On process instance deletion, historic authorization is removed
- [CAM-11744] - For cleanup, set removal time non-hierarchical via process batch operation
- [CAM-11784] - Correct Javadocs for historic activity instance query
- [CAM-11791] - Revert perform auth checks for the historic process instance query when data is missing
- [CAM-11792] - Implement event subscription query endpoint in the REST API
- [CAM-11793] - OpenAPI documentation of new event subscription query endpoint
- [CAM-11795] - I can read docs about historic incident, job log, external task log & user operation log query
- [CAM-11796] - Adjust query test cases to check additionally ids
- [CAM-11797] - Document new event subscription query endpoint in docs.camunda.org
- [CAM-11843] - I can read an update guide for 7.13
- [CAM-11844] - Release all Camunda secondary projects
- [CAM-11845] - Test standalone Webapps
- [CAM-11846] - Update the Entity Relationship Diagrams in the docs
- [CAM-11847] - Adjust & Migrate "Spring Boot" Examples
- [CAM-11848] - Adjust & Migrate "Misc" Examples
- [CAM-11849] - Adjust & Migrate "Webapps" Examples
- [CAM-11850] - Adjust & Migrate "Deployment & Project Setup" Examples
- [CAM-11851] - Adjust & Migrate "Plugin & Model API" Examples
- [CAM-11852] - Adjust & Migrate "BPMN 2.0" Examples
- [CAM-11853] - Adjust & Migrate "External Task" Examples
- [CAM-11854] - Write tag for the adjusted examples repository
- [CAM-11855] - Migrate Getting Started Guide (Java)
- [CAM-11856] - Migrate the "Spring Boot" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-11857] - Migrate the "Spring Framework" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-11858] - Migrate the "CMMN" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-11859] - Migrate the "DMN" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-11860] - Migrate the "JavaEE" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-11861] - Migrate Getting Started Guide (Quickstart)
- [CAM-11862] - Migrate Getting Started Guides
- [CAM-11863] - Release all Camunda sideprojects
- [CAM-11864] - Migrate Examples to 7.13.0
- [CAM-11865] - Camunda 7.13 docs are released
- [CAM-11866] - I can read a blog post for 7.13.0
- [CAM-11870] - Update german Webapp translations
- [CAM-11932] - Update Unit Test Template
- [CAM-11936] - Release external-task-client-js 2.0.0
- [CAM-11948] - Adjust & Migrate "Assert" Examples
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