Design Task
- [OPT-3725] - Concept for improved Report Builder Filtering
- [OPT-3729] - Concept for an improved Report Builder Edit Mode (more central diagram)
- [OPT-3733] - User defined data buckets
- [OPT-4337] - Create modal improvements
Bug Report
- [OPT-3380] - Cannot start backend if databaseDumps directory exists
- [OPT-3594] - Error log when alert reminders are activated
- [OPT-3899] - Event Based Process Name is overflowing header
- [OPT-3928] - Resolve Histrogram ES Deprecation Warning
- [OPT-3929] - Combined reports broken by long names
- [OPT-3991] - When I copy the dashboard the filters aren't copied as well
- [OPT-4074] - The environment config file does not replace the Optimize version
- [OPT-4116] - Permanent selection outline after element drop on flow sequence flow
- [OPT-4407] - Pie chart does not shrink when browser window is shrinked
- [OPT-4411] - Event count processing race condition on showing camunda event counts
- [OPT-4428] - Dashboard with external report always has unsaved changes
- [OPT-4455] - Optimize Crashes when accessing Process Part for another Definition
- [OPT-4458] - String Variable filter shows wrong value after search
- [OPT-4464] - Cannot see other users/groups despite relevant read permissions
- [OPT-4466] - Fix migration tests for adding deleted definition field
- [OPT-4467] - Import gets stuck if definition is deleted on camunda activity import
- [OPT-4469] - Mark definition as deleted if newer deployment exists in same import batch
- [OPT-4470] - Better handle missing authorization blocking definition import
- [OPT-4471] - Opening Combined Report Control Panel makes scrollbar appear
- [OPT-4472] - Enable timezone adjustment tests
- [OPT-4475] - evaluation fails when swtiching to duration for distributed by assignee report
- [OPT-4481] - Reenable Timezone tests with automatic interval
- [OPT-4506] - Filter menu misaligned
- [OPT-4508] - Dynamic mapping on Decision Reports prevents usage of certain types depending on which type was used first
- [OPT-4514] - Shared dashboard causes application error when report has filter
- [OPT-4516] - filter popover hard to read in dashboard dark mode
- [OPT-4521] - Table Column size is reset when changing page
- [OPT-4562] - Report Configuration cannot be changed after too many buckets error
- [OPT-4567] - "Data Upgrade Test"-Stage is not running properly anymore
- [OPT-4570] - Log upgrade prompt in console instead of with configurable logger
- [OPT-4573] - Filter buttons are at wrong position
- [OPT-4574] - flow node duration filter does not get reset after changing definition
- [OPT-4583] - Reduce multi-engine definition query tests
- [OPT-4584] - adding a report with variable view to a combined report crashes optimize
- [OPT-4598] - Missing Tooltips for Dashboards in Fullscreen Mode
- [OPT-4602] - Long names do not fit into tooltip
- [OPT-4616] - Fix delete API IT tests for Java versions > 8
- [OPT-4618] - Loading Spinner out of Control
- [OPT-4628] - Menu Positioning
- [OPT-4638] - Query Performance tests time out
- [OPT-4651] - Dashboard filter value appears twice in dropdown
- [OPT-4653] - "Allow viewer to add filter value" misplaced for non-string variable filters
- [OPT-4654] - String variable contains value becomes custom value
- [OPT-4655] - Optimize docker script does not forward additional arguments
- [OPT-4657] - Button text 'Update Filter' not 'Edit Filter'
- [OPT-4658] - Hit Policy alignment glitch of Decision Report in Dashboard
- [OPT-4695] - ET - Reported Elastic version is broken since update to Elastic 7.10
- [OPT-4696] - Importing combined report claims import is incomplete
- [OPT-4703] - Entity import fails on `all` and `latest` definition versions
- [OPT-4710] - Changes of user profiles not reimported by Optimize
- [OPT-4718] - Unsaved Report Evaluation fails with Z-Offset last modified timestamp
- [OPT-4720] - Incident Filter is not applied on GroupByIncident aggregation level
- [OPT-4721] - User is forwarded to new Dashboard after editing a report in an unsaved Dashboard
- [OPT-4723] - Comma in entity filename prevents exporting the report
- [OPT-4724] - Resumed UpdateIndexStep leaves new index with writeIndex=false
- [OPT-4726] - download instance button in target duration heatmap report not working
- [OPT-4727] - Logs shows fetch error every second after definition deployment deletion
- [OPT-4728] - Dashboard String Filter - `Allow viewer to add filter values` is misplaced on contains/notcontains filter
- [OPT-4731] - Bar Chart Drag-Date-Range filter broken
Feature Request
- [OPT-949] - I can scale the Bpmn diagram above the native size
- [OPT-1799] - I can filter process instances by incident state
- [OPT-2252] - Export & Import - Single Report Entities
- [OPT-2385] - Show assignee/candidate group names instead/additionally of their key
- [OPT-3634] - Handle process and decision deletion in an improved way
- [OPT-3780] - I can see the instance count for my definition selection in the process report creation modal
- [OPT-3821] - Make filtering more efficient and understandable (also break up Configuration Popover)
- [OPT-3841] - Allow manual inspection and deletion of ingested events for Event Monitoring
- [OPT-3901] - Dashboard Usability Improvements
- [OPT-4253] - Allow usage of Dashboard Variable Filters that are not defined in Shared Dashboards
- [OPT-4270] - Multi-Selects are updated according to design specifications
- [OPT-4330] - The Optimize upgrade can be resumed
- [OPT-4362] - Add "Process Part" to all new duration distrBy variable/date report types
- [OPT-4371] - I can filter process instances by string variables values that do not exist yet
- [OPT-4459] - Flow Node Count/Duration group by Variable distributed by Flow Node
- [OPT-4649] - Export & Import - Combined Report, Dashboard Entities
- [OPT-1201] - Simplify connection status api
- [OPT-1835] - Make tooltips beautiful
- [OPT-1938] - Return 400 instead of 500 on rest request param validation
- [OPT-2340] - Refactor user task commands and integration tests
- [OPT-2375] - Rename environment folder to config
- [OPT-2596] - Refactor TypeaheadMultipleSelection component
- [OPT-2862] - Extend data generator to distribute instance data over wider time periods
- [OPT-3168] - Rename findFirst* methods in reader classes
- [OPT-3372] - Cleanup non dmn supported engine test setup
- [OPT-3470] - Consolidate engine client and engine extension
- [OPT-3493] - Store whether a report is using an event based process
- [OPT-3668] - Remove specific JDK version in Installation Docs
- [OPT-3734] - Improve modal for entity creation
- [OPT-3748] - Optimize cannot handle more than 10 000 activities per process instance
- [OPT-3851] - Use CSS variables instead of SASS variables
- [OPT-3922] - Remove support for Elasticsearch 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2 versions
- [OPT-3937] - Display incomplete reports consistently
- [OPT-3990] - PluginVariableDto does not mark timestamp as required although it actually is
- [OPT-4072] - Extend Engine Version checker to reject alpha versions
- [OPT-4079] - Rename rename request and response DTO's according to the convention
- [OPT-4153] - Refactor DistributedBy
- [OPT-4201] - Clean up rest dto mapping to adhere to coding conventions
- [OPT-4205] - Log response body on statusCode assertion failure
- [OPT-4217] - Clarify the naming association between chart and flow node names on distributed by flownode reports
- [OPT-4226] - Nightly import mediator permutation job
- [OPT-4244] - Make dropdowns overflow out of scrollable containers
- [OPT-4255] - Improve Elasticsearch bucket limit handling to apply to overall amount of buckets
- [OPT-4260] - Prevent resetting reports on a dashboard on auto refresh
- [OPT-4298] - Add counts for process instance start/end events in event counts table
- [OPT-4323] - Add plugin to flatten complex variables to Optimize plugin example repository
- [OPT-4338] - Handle ES too many buckets exception better
- [OPT-4343] - Update example repository
- [OPT-4347] - Improve event based process documentation about authorizations
- [OPT-4357] - Prevent closing modals when clicking outside
- [OPT-4379] - Create a persistent Optimize environment suitable for regression testing
- [OPT-4421] - Reduce number of forks for IT on AWS Elasticsearch
- [OPT-4430] - Update documentation upgrade instructions
- [OPT-4446] - Enable process part for distributed reports
- [OPT-4453] - Remove duplication of process instance cancellation methods in integration extension
- [OPT-4474] - Remove clear icon from typeahead
- [OPT-4483] - Update react app to version 17
- [OPT-4502] - Update upgrade docs for collection role cleanup bug
- [OPT-4518] - Editing Report from Dashboard- returns to Dashboard after saving
- [OPT-4555] - Check the report combination table is still up to date
- [OPT-4561] - Add query performance tests for event list
- [OPT-4564] - Add Elasticsearch 7.9 & 7.10 as supported version
- [OPT-4565] - Replace deprecated usage of `dateHistogramInterval` with `calendarInterval`
- [OPT-4566] - Event Process Authorization ITs test authentication rather than authorization
- [OPT-4600] - Improve logs when updating instances
- [OPT-4608] - Create Constant class for suppression strings
- [OPT-4611] - Use the Update Index upgrade for marking definitions as deleted
- [OPT-4621] - Update Tooltip styling
- [OPT-4623] - Solve deprecation warnings
- [OPT-4643] - update react-scripts to version 17
- [OPT-4660] - Add identity filter ITs for non-User Task reports
- [OPT-4678] - Extend data generation to add more assignees and candidate groups
- [OPT-4682] - Adopt E2E tests to new generated dataset
- [OPT-4687] - Refactor the incident data deployer to return assertable information
- [OPT-4691] - Ensure the release example repository job properly updates all module versions
- [OPT-4708] - Test against version 7.14 of engine
- [OPT-4711] - Incident Data Generator does not create resolved incidents (in incident process)
Bug Part
- [OPT-4292] - Lock diagram scroll when displayed on Dashboard
- [OPT-4605] - Cannot display Heatmap report after importing
- [OPT-4640] - Importing malformed JSON file does not return structured error response
- [OPT-4641] - Importing wrong JSON file does not return structured error response
- [OPT-4642] - Importing empty file returns Internal Server Error
- [OPT-4645] - Config menu is disabled after too many buckets exception
Feature Part
- [OPT-4284] - I can go to the report edit mode from the dashboard edit mode
- [OPT-4289] - I can edit dashboard variable filters
- [OPT-4290] - Separate Report and Dashboard Level Filters
- [OPT-4303] - Adjust styling of input elements
- [OPT-4306] - Create a resuable list selection component
- [OPT-4397] - Evaluate incident filter for open/resolved incidents
- [OPT-4400] - Add Incident State filter to front-end
- [OPT-4479] - I can use dashboard variable filter values that have not been specified by the editor
- [OPT-4554] - I can group Flow Node Reports by Variable in the UI
- [OPT-4156] - Part 2: Move refactored distributedBy to ReportData
- [OPT-4157] - Frontend is adjusted to move of distributedBy field to reportData
- [OPT-4240] - The user documentation is updated on how Optimize handles data deletion
- [OPT-4241] - Always continue the import if engine data has been deleted
- [OPT-4242] - Only show unique versions in the definition selection
- [OPT-4285] - Change Delete icon for Dashboard entities
- [OPT-4286] - Separate Entity Operation buttons
- [OPT-4287] - Show entries in dashboard disabledly in edit mode
- [OPT-4288] - Dashboard Filters edit mode restructuring
- [OPT-4380] - Seperate MultiValueInput into a controlled and uncontrolled component
- [OPT-4391] - Add clear and search icon to search input in checklist
- [OPT-4392] - prevent space from seperating value in string variable filter
- [OPT-4425] - Prototype: Filtering on low-level entities
- [OPT-4427] - Replace typeahead with multiselect for adding roles to collection
- [OPT-4448] - Save already imported definitions with key/version/tenant as deleted
- [OPT-4452] - Migrate currently imported definitions to be marked as not deleted
- [OPT-4463] - Improve documentation & visibility/logging of nested object limit configuration
- [OPT-4473] - use multi select in assignee/candidate filter
- [OPT-4480] - Allow dashboard filters to use any variable value
- [OPT-4486] - Export saved single process reports
- [OPT-4487] - Export saved single decision reports
- [OPT-4488] - Import single process reports
- [OPT-4489] - Import single decision reports
- [OPT-4490] - Document Export/import feature
- [OPT-4491] - Add export button to single report menu
- [OPT-4492] - Add export button to single decision report menu
- [OPT-4493] - Allow superusers to import Entities in the UI
- [OPT-4494] - Add import button for single decision reports
- [OPT-4496] - Create API to fetch ingested events
- [OPT-4497] - Add API for external event deletion
- [OPT-4498] - Add user guide documentation to event inspection and deletion
- [OPT-4500] - Document custom values in Dashboard Variable Filters
- [OPT-4513] - Add export authorization for superusers
- [OPT-4524] - All potential long running upgrade steps should be asynchronous
- [OPT-4525] - Keep track of completed upgrade steps
- [OPT-4526] - The upgrade recognizes previously completed steps and resumes from there
- [OPT-4527] - Ensure atomic upgrade operations are idempotent
- [OPT-4528] - Recognize already running reindex operations
- [OPT-4529] - Add Optimize Exception to communicate import failures
- [OPT-4531] - Move the control panel to the right side
- [OPT-4532] - Move the distributed by out of the configuration options
- [OPT-4533] - Add automatic selection of group, visualization and distribution
- [OPT-4534] - Allow user task reports to be filtered at view level for flownode duration filter
- [OPT-4535] - split the filters into flownode and instance filters
- [OPT-4549] - Move usertask duration time and aggregation out of the configuration
- [OPT-4556] - Add Flownode count - variable - none reports
- [OPT-4557] - Add Flownode duration - variable - none reports
- [OPT-4558] - Add flownode count - variable - flownode reports
- [OPT-4559] - Add flownode duration - variable - flownode reports
- [OPT-4572] - add Tooltips to long filter preview
- [OPT-4579] - add optional flownode/usertask filterings to assignee/candidate group filter
- [OPT-4594] - Add ingested events table
- [OPT-4596] - Documentation is updated to mention the option to resume
- [OPT-4604] - add event deletion to the ingested events table
- [OPT-4606] - Enforce pagination defaults in the backend where not supplied
- [OPT-4607] - Handle empty search terms for event search request
- [OPT-4617] - Migrate existing filters to use new API
- [OPT-4622] - Add ReportDefinition to tooManyBucketsExeption
- [OPT-4624] - Add Export of Combined Reports
- [OPT-4625] - Add Import of Combined Reports
- [OPT-4626] - Add Export of Dashboards
- [OPT-4627] - Add Import of Dashboards
- [OPT-4630] - Document new report types
- [OPT-4632] - An assignee/candidateGroup Metadata cache is built
- [OPT-4633] - Assignee/CandidateGroup synchronization can be configured
- [OPT-4634] - Return Assignee/candidateGroup label on groupBy Assignee/candidateGroup reports
- [OPT-4636] - Return Assignee/CandidateGroup label on distributeBy Assignee/CandidateGroup reports
- [OPT-4644] - Extract Generic Identity cache service logic
- [OPT-4646] - Filter for instances with no incidents
- [OPT-4647] - Filter for open and resolved incident on the incident level
- [OPT-4650] - The assignee/candidateGroup Metadata cache is updated by the identityLinkLog
- [OPT-4656] - Enable import/export to handle multiple entites at once & simplify API
- [OPT-4659] - Adjust FE to API simplification
- [OPT-4663] - Get assignees/candidateGroups by ID endpoints
- [OPT-4664] - Assignee/CandidateGroup search endpoints
- [OPT-4665] - Assignee/CandidateGroup-Filter names are displayed instead of ids
- [OPT-4666] - Assignee/CandidateGroup filter input uses identitySearch
- [OPT-4668] - Add Flow node duration flow node level filter option
- [OPT-4670] - Allow flow node reports to be filtered at view level for flownode duration filter
- [OPT-4671] - Add tests for user task report types using different level flow node duration filters
- [OPT-4672] - Add tests for non User task/flow node report evaluation using flow node filter
- [OPT-4673] - Add Combined Report Export UI
- [OPT-4674] - Add Combined Report Import UI
- [OPT-4675] - Add Dashboard Export UI
- [OPT-4676] - Add Dashboard Import UI
- [OPT-4680] - Make view level filters work with reports grouped by Variable
- [OPT-4685] - Rename classes relating to incident filter to be consistent with API type
- [OPT-4689] - Restructure the example repository
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