Bug Report
- [CAM-3303] - Job/incident exception message is not populated when exception is from a transaction synchronization
- [CAM-3473] - Custom job retry time cyle cannot be used on timer start event inside an event subprocess
- [CAM-3500] - Cannot use webapps when process engine name contains hyphens
- [CAM-4308] - Error Event subprocess "re-throwing" the same error results in endless loop
- [CAM-4369] - Setting task owner and task assignee throws index violation exception
- [CAM-4994] - LdapUserQuery order by is not recognized
- [CAM-5084] - Engine deploys non-executable processes
- [CAM-5116] - Cannot use custom job retry cycle for non-service-task-like intermediate throwing events
- [CAM-5154] - Local execution variables are still present after joining parallel gateway
- [CAM-5345] - NPE when setting HistoryLevel to "Activity" in SpringProcessEngineConfiguration
- [CAM-5356] - Fix Variable-Scoping in Sub-Tasks
- [CAM-5519] - I cannot filter for process instances by a date variable in cockpit
- [CAM-5551] - Can not deploy compensation event when the xml position of referenced activity is below
- [CAM-5618] - No execution-until-wait-state semantics for nested API invocations
- [CAM-5680] - jQuery is not defined when using IE9
- [CAM-5788] - There is no documentation on recommended database isolation level
- [CAM-5818] - Update test files with correct DMN namespace
- [CAM-5829] - Parallel Multi Instance Call Activity with in/out-mapping does not complete
- [CAM-5877] - Exit Criterion must be triggered only for active case execution
- [CAM-5984] - Missing Pagination for List of Tenants in Add User/Group Dialog
- [CAM-6060] - Initial tab focus on nav-bar brand name
- [CAM-6092] - Cannot get task form data if value is null
- [CAM-6113] - Restoring execution tree can fail with a NullPointerException on parallel deletion
- [CAM-6127] - Tasklist follow up and due date cross misaligned
- [CAM-6131] - Resolve dependency cycle between assembly and webapp
- [CAM-6132] - Correct Upgrade Guide with respect to Wildfly distro
- [CAM-6139] - Regression: Cannot correlate message via REST without business key
- [CAM-6151] - webjar 7.5.1-ee missing in repo
- [CAM-6164] - NullPointerException accessing properties of BusinessProcessEvent
- [CAM-6175] - Wrong Tab Order for Search Pills
- [CAM-6178] - Expand/Detract arrow not accessible via keyboard in list of tasks
- [CAM-6179] - Variable fields in list of tasks not accessible via keyboard
- [CAM-6191] - Cockpit process dashboard preview layout is broken
- [CAM-6192] - Report links are broken in dashboard and sidebars
- [CAM-6205] - Process migration does not migrate process definition and activity id of recursive incident
- [CAM-6218] - Cannot use the TenantIdProvider for Process Instance Modification
- [CAM-6220] - Unnecessary SQL statements for Byte Array variables which are created and deleted in the same transaction
- [CAM-6221] - Changing tasks with arrow keys should set focus
- [CAM-6222] - Wrong Tab order for confirm and cancel button for datepickers
- [CAM-6223] - Modals do not trap keyboard focus
- [CAM-6224] - Interacting with assignee field should set focus to assignee field
- [CAM-6225] - Generic forms steal focus
- [CAM-6227] - Elements in collapsed sections remain accessible by keyboard
- [CAM-6228] - Using the maximize/minimize form section button loses focus
- [CAM-6229] - Right click on filter breaks Tasklist in Firefox
- [CAM-6232] - NPE in FailedJobListener if Job doesn't exist
- [CAM-6243] - Missing camunda-engine-rest-tests.jar
- [CAM-6254] - TenantIdProvider is not invoked when an instance is created by submitting a start form
- [CAM-6272] - Parse Required Decisions only once
- [CAM-6274] - Database scripts contain invalid characters and comments
- [CAM-6280] - Alignment of "remove" icon in Tasklist dates
- [CAM-6285] - Incorrect documentation on failed jobs
- [CAM-6292] - Wrong sorting in Enterprise download table
- [CAM-6298] - Prevent local storage of forms to be delete when server answers with an error
- [CAM-6321] - camForm.submit(callback) doesn't use callback if camForm.submitPrevented
- [CAM-6322] - Deployment of EAR with multiple WARs fails with NPE in Camunda JBoss Subsystem
- [CAM-6324] - Exception when synchronously cancelling currently active activity
- [CAM-6329] - Commons UI BPMN viewer widget loading icon is "rolling drunk"
- [CAM-6334] - Replace invalid characters and trailing whitespaces in SQL-Scripts
- [CAM-6336] - Some cancel icons are not consistent
- [CAM-6337] - Cannot deploy single Decisions with the same DRD Id
- [CAM-6359] - Execution listener is executed more than once if it triggers execution tree compaction/expansion
- [CAM-6362] - wrong interpretation of manual activation rule
- [CAM-6365] - Send tasks cannot be built with connectors
- [CAM-6366] - Filter process definition statistic results by tenant using the transparent access restrictions
- [CAM-6367] - Filter deployment statistic results by tenant using the transparent access restrictions
- [CAM-6369] - In the REST API, starting a process instance should always return its serialized variables
- [CAM-6376] - There is no getter for property named 'orderByColumns' in 'class org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.base.dto.query.ProcessInstanceQueryDto'
- [CAM-6405] - Date selection not focused after opening datepicker modal
- [CAM-6431] - UserOperationLogManager overwrites userId set on UserOperationLogContext
- [CAM-6453] - Job acquisition wait time is reset after hint
- [CAM-6473] - Fix like search for historic task report
- [CAM-6485] - Tasklist filter dialog layout problems with DE language file
- [CAM-6487] - Timer Start Event with Cycle Definition start Process Instances always without Tenant-Id after the first Time
- [CAM-6504] - History Authorization Query Performance Degradation
- [CAM-6517] - camunda-webapp classes is missing on Maven Central
- [CAM-6521] - dead link in documentation
- [CAM-6523] - Webjar on maven central is empty
- [CAM-6529] - Cockpit Runtime View does not show all process instances
- [CAM-6531] - Fix the type of RuleOrder in the Insert Statement of the HistoricDecisionOutputInstanceEntity
- [CAM-6537] - I cannot use a user id with a slash or backslash inside in webapps
- [CAM-6551] - Completed tasks on cockpit dashboard links to "unfinished only"
- [CAM-6577] - Replace update to upgrade in Rolling upgrade documentation
- [CAM-6579] - I cannot create attachments to process instance using java API
- [CAM-6580] - I want to query process instances by start time on DB2 with history level none on DB2
- [CAM-6596] - Missing defaults for RequiredRules and RepetitionRules without condition
- [CAM-6608] - HistoricVariableInstance#ActivityInstanceId is null
- [CAM-6611] - Datepicker hides current value when open
- [CAM-6627] - Entry criterion is not triggered on case instance create
- [CAM-6633] - Incorrect display of "No process definitions deployed" while loading data
- [CAM-6634] - Missing loading indication for process instance search
- [CAM-6642] - Broken link to tutorial in Process Applications section of documentation
- [CAM-6643] - Error in Spring Framework documentation (section "Using Shared Process Engine")
- [CAM-6645] - Job suspension state is not updated when suspending/activating a process instance by id
- [CAM-6668] - I can read documentation about WildFly/JBoss configuration in case i want to use Jackson and Spin
- [CAM-6674] - Header for comment entry in Task history is not translated
- [CAM-6680] - Tenant ID indexes are not used on Oracle for WHERE TENANT_ID_ IS NULL queries
- [CAM-6682] - Use of shared Mybatis SqlSessionFactory does not work if engines are created concurrently
- [CAM-6691] - DeploymentBuilder.addString uses String.getBytes without UTF-8
- [CAM-6720] - Welcome App does not work in EE
- [CAM-6721] - Cockpit and Admin loaded twice when accessing from welcome page
- [CAM-6722] - NullPointerException when escalating to a event subprocess more often than once
- [CAM-6738] - Details of a tenant with a (back)slash inside id cannot be shown in admin
- [CAM-6782] - An authorization is required to get the case model and case diagram
- [CAM-6787] - Search Query for batch delete is empty from definition view
- [CAM-6791] - Tests for "engine plugins - identity - ldap" unstable
- [CAM-6806] - Documentation of Get Historic Variable Instances mentioned wrong parameter
- [CAM-6831] - Batch Operation Button is disabled with empty search
- [CAM-6837] - Ignore case insensitive for JUEL as Expression Language
- [CAM-6839] - History queries with authorization checks are slow
- [CAM-6842] - Double quotes are not escaped in generated task forms
- [CAM-6861] - When Case Execution is completed, corresponding Historic Activity Instance is not marked Terminated
- [CAM-6865] - StartDate after search criteria provides wrong results
- [CAM-6867] - Cannot load list of process instances
- [CAM-6892] - Links in download box look messy when hovered
- [CAM-6898] - When querying for process definitions all corresponding bpmn model instances are added to the deployment cache
- [CAM-6910] - HistoricTaskReportTest does not work with table prefix
- [CAM-6912] - Add Possibility to display dmn files with old namespaces
- [CAM-6933] - Non conditional event sub process is not triggered multiple times in one transaction
- [CAM-6934] - Empty search message in batch operation displays wrong message
- [CAM-6938] - Index creation of ACT_IDX_JOB_HANDLER fails on MariaDB
- [CAM-6948] - Navigating to any batch page highlights both batch menu entries
- [CAM-6955] - BpmnParser should not accept empty Call Activity Input/Output parameters
- [CAM-6958] - Cannot start process when cache capacity is exceeded
- [CAM-6961] - Duplicate search paramter for incident status
- [CAM-6963] - Metrics dahsboard visible without license
- [CAM-6964] - Align backward navigation behavior
- [CAM-6967] - Dates translations are lowercase in tasklist
- [CAM-6969] - The color of the batch progress bar is grey
- [CAM-6983] - International symbols in labels for form fields are not handled correctly
- [CAM-6997] - Cannot navigate to decision definition with other version
- [CAM-6998] - Wrong version for DRDs in deployment view
- [CAM-7001] - ProcessEngineFactoryBean doesn't create a Singleton Process Engine
- [CAM-7002] - Back button not working after navigating through DRD Def-Page
- [CAM-7009] - Breadcrumbs have a dropdown as last item
- [CAM-7011] - Restrict Tomcat 8 supported environment to 8.0
- [CAM-7030] - Dmn diagram incorrectly rendered after refreshing page with collapsed diagram pane
- [CAM-7032] - Incorrect firing of sentries causes exception since upgrading to Camunda 7.6.0-alpha5
- [CAM-7035] - Fix bpmn and cmmn diagram resize when panes collapse
- [CAM-7045] - Wrong cursor in DRD diagram
- [CAM-7049] - Cockpit throws TypeError in IE
- [CAM-7051] - Arrows of DRD are missing on confirmation modal
- [CAM-7055] - data._embedded is undefined error in SDK-JS
- [CAM-7060] - Commons UI GH page icons are not loaded correctly
- [CAM-7061] - Human Tasks search results table outside bounds
- [CAM-7062] - The Output Value of a required Decision is always a List if Hit Policy is Rule Order
- [CAM-7066] - Cannot toggle Heat Map
- [CAM-7070] - Typo in decision instance page
- [CAM-7315] - Missing "EE-only" notifications in Cockpit docs
- [CAM-7526] - Documentation for JavaDelegate instantiation is wrong
Feature Request
- [CAM-3477] - I can determine the current state of a historic process instance
- [CAM-3685] - I can specify the scope in which a variable should be set
- [CAM-4225] - I can use variables in on parts for sentries
- [CAM-5186] - I can implement Call Activity input/output parameter mapping in Java
- [CAM-5187] - I can access DelegateExecution from Context (Thread Local) using Public API
- [CAM-5247] - I can read documentation on the process engine reporting API
- [CAM-5266] - When correlating a message, I get a correlation result response
- [CAM-5284] - I can use a long error message with an External Task
- [CAM-5326] - As a user I can query for Historic Variable Instances by Process Instance Ids
- [CAM-5448] - I can read documentation on how to perform a rolling upgrade
- [CAM-5721] - I can deploy Cmmn and Dmn model instances
- [CAM-5846] - As cockpit User I can set retries for external tasks
- [CAM-5847] - Add plugin point for cockpit incidents action
- [CAM-5873] - As CaseWorker I can terminate an active case execution
- [CAM-5946] - On variable change the ifPart is evaluated
- [CAM-5953] - I can retrieve the Error Message of a thrown Error Event
- [CAM-6072] - I can access variables after creating a process instance
- [CAM-6088] - I can delete a single process definition
- [CAM-6153] - A Webapp Plugin can provide custom Stylesheets
- [CAM-6165] - I can search for task by case insensitive name like
- [CAM-6168] - I can get a list of task counts grouped by candidate group (Java API)
- [CAM-6189] - I can get a list of task counts grouped by candidate group via REST
- [CAM-6196] - I can parse a Decision which has required Decisions
- [CAM-6197] - I can evaluate a Decision which has required Decisions
- [CAM-6198] - I can evaluate Decisions which has required decisions using the Decision Service
- [CAM-6210] - I can register a Listener for Decisions
- [CAM-6217] - I can add custom scripts to Cockpit and Admin
- [CAM-6234] - I can query Historic Decision Instances of required Decisions
- [CAM-6235] - I can query Decision Requirement Definitions
- [CAM-6237] - I can get the Decision Requirement Definition
- [CAM-6238] - I can get the Decision Requirement Model
- [CAM-6239] - I can get the Decision Requirement Diagram
- [CAM-6240] - I can query Decisions which belongs to a DRD
- [CAM-6241] - I can query Historic Decision Instances of a DRD
- [CAM-6249] - I can request all variable of an external task during fetch and lock
- [CAM-6251] - I can filter for particular variables in the process instance view in cockpit
- [CAM-6257] - I can delete historic Decision Instance by Historic Decision Instance ID
- [CAM-6268] - In cockpit I can see a Task Dashboard
- [CAM-6269] - On the task dashboard, I can search for tasks
- [CAM-6270] - In the Open Tasks Overview, I can click on links to get list of matching tasks
- [CAM-6273] - On Cockpit Dashboard I can see tasks summary
- [CAM-6284] - I can query Decision Requirement Definitions via Rest Api
- [CAM-6290] - I can register a DmnTransformListener for Decision Requirements Graph's
- [CAM-6306] - I can use a plugin point above the list of tasks
- [CAM-6313] - I can use a assigned paramter in the task query (Java API)
- [CAM-6314] - I can use a assigned paramter in the task query (REST API)
- [CAM-6315] - I can use a withCandidateGroups paramter in the task query (Java API)
- [CAM-6316] - I can use a withCandidateGroup paramter in the task query (REST API)
- [CAM-6317] - I can use a withoutCandidateGroup paramter in the task query (Java API)
- [CAM-6318] - I can use a withoutCandidateGroup paramter in the task query (REST API)
- [CAM-6330] - As a cockpit user I can toggle the bottom region of process pages
- [CAM-6363] - I can search for task by case insensitive name
- [CAM-6368] - As a cockpit user I can toggle the bottom region of decision pages
- [CAM-6380] - I can use a finishedBefore statement for finished tasks (JAVA API)
- [CAM-6381] - I can query for a historic task instance report
- [CAM-6382] - I can query a historic task instance report via REST api
- [CAM-6383] - I can query a historic task instance duration report via REST api
- [CAM-6384] - I can use a group by statement for finished tasks (JAVA API)
- [CAM-6386] - I can parse a Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
- [CAM-6393] - I can configure the maximum capacity for the deployment cache
- [CAM-6397] - As a user I can provide a custom Deployment Cache implementation
- [CAM-6412] - Using the CMMN model API, I can create and read variableOnPart
- [CAM-6421] - As cockpit User I can query for open incidents
- [CAM-6423] - Enable Caching of parsed FEEL Expressions
- [CAM-6425] - Enable Caching of Script Language in Standalone DMN Engine
- [CAM-6432] - Create new Jenkins build job for test-schema-with-old-engine test suite
- [CAM-6441] - I can evaluate a Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
- [CAM-6442] - I can retrieve the History of an evaluated Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
- [CAM-6444] - Create sentries with variableOnPart during execution
- [CAM-6454] - Named ProcessEnginePlugins
- [CAM-6456] - Sentry variableOnParts are evaluated on Variable Events
- [CAM-6463] - Create new Jenkins build job for test-old-engine-instances test suite
- [CAM-6478] - I can evaluate a Decision Literal Expression from a Process / Case or Decision Service
- [CAM-6482] - I can identify externally terminated historical process instances
- [CAM-6493] - I can set the business key using a generated start form
- [CAM-6506] - On Cockpit Dashboard, I can see cases summary
- [CAM-6507] - On Case Dashboard, I can see the deployed cases
- [CAM-6508] - On Case Dashboard, I can search for case instances
- [CAM-6510] - In Cockpit I can see details of a case definition
- [CAM-6511] - In Cockpit I can see details of a case instance
- [CAM-6512] - I can terminate case execution using REST API
- [CAM-6514] - In Completed Task Report I can see Definition Names
- [CAM-6526] - Log user operation if process definition is deleted
- [CAM-6534] - I don't want to start new invoice example instances if there are some running
- [CAM-6552] - Using the Java & Rest API, I can query for Metrics
- [CAM-6555] - I can query for historic case instances without tenant id
- [CAM-6571] - I can query for historic case instances by case activity id
- [CAM-6572] - In Case Definition View, I can filter for case instances
- [CAM-6575] - I can provide an expression in the signal name and message name attribute
- [CAM-6583] - I can query for historic case activity statistics
- [CAM-6584] - In Case Definition View, I see the number open and finished case activity instances
- [CAM-6602] - I can use BPMN Conditional Events
- [CAM-6604] - On Cockpit Decision Definition View, I can filter decision instances
- [CAM-6605] - In Case Instance View, I see the number of open and finished case activity instances
- [CAM-6610] - I can query for historic case activity instances by multiple case activity instance ids
- [CAM-6612] - In Case Instance View, I can filter by selecting an activity on the diagram
- [CAM-6613] - On Human Task view, I can navigate to CMMN Views
- [CAM-6629] - I can query for historic case activities by case activity ids
- [CAM-6630] - I can query for historic variable instances by case activity ids
- [CAM-6631] - I can query for historic task instances by task definition keys
- [CAM-6637] - I get feedback that diagram activity statistics are being loaded
- [CAM-6644] - In Tasklist I can see a Diagram for a Task created from CMMN Human Task
- [CAM-6648] - I can execute batch operations in cockpit
- [CAM-6652] - In Case Instance View, I see the super process or case instance id
- [CAM-6653] - In Case Instance View, I see called process instances
- [CAM-6654] - In Case Instance View, I see called case instances
- [CAM-6655] - In Case Instance View, I see executed decisions
- [CAM-6661] - I can cancel process instances asynchronously using REST API
- [CAM-6663] - I can increment number of retries for failed job asynchronously using REST API
- [CAM-6664] - I can cancel process instances asynchronously using Java Api
- [CAM-6666] - I can set job retries asynchronously using Java api
- [CAM-6671] - I can retrieve the process definition name for a historic process instance
- [CAM-6672] - I can retrieve the case definition name for a historic case instance
- [CAM-6678] - I can query for activity-instance-end metrics
- [CAM-6686] - In Case Instance View, I can terminate an active case instance
- [CAM-6687] - In Case Instance View, I can add a variable
- [CAM-6688] - In Case Instance View, I can edit existing variables
- [CAM-6695] - I can define batch cancel process instances operation in cockpit
- [CAM-6696] - I can open batch operation confirmation view
- [CAM-6697] - I can open batch operation result view
- [CAM-6698] - I can navigate to batch operation view
- [CAM-6699] - When opening the Webapp, I see a welcome Screen
- [CAM-6700] - I can add custom links to the welcome app
- [CAM-6701] - I can add plugins to the welcome page
- [CAM-6706] - On Decision Definition View, I can navigate to CMMN Views
- [CAM-6714] - I can complete a task before execution from delegate
- [CAM-6717] - I can localize the Welcome App
- [CAM-6728] - In Decision Instance View, I can go to the super Case Instance
- [CAM-6729] - In Process Instance View, I can see called case instance
- [CAM-6745] - I can create batch cancellation operations using camunda-bpm-sdk-js
- [CAM-6763] - Make schema operations pluggable
- [CAM-6764] - BPMN conditional events are parsed
- [CAM-6779] - I can navigate to batch operation view from process definition
- [CAM-6781] - I can read documentation about CMMN in Cockpit
- [CAM-6790] - I can start platform on Wildfly 10.1
- [CAM-6795] - I can migrate process instances with enabled conditional events
- [CAM-6796] - I can use the model API to create conditional events
- [CAM-6800] - I can execute batch cancellation on process instances matching start date before criteria
- [CAM-6801] - I cannot execute batch operation on already finished process instances
- [CAM-6823] - I can delete a finished Process Instances asynchronously using Java Api
- [CAM-6824] - I can delete a finished Process Instances asynchronously using Rest Api
- [CAM-6825] - I can delete a finished Process Instances in Cockpit Batch
- [CAM-6828] - I can set the variable name and event for a conditional event
- [CAM-6830] - I can read documentation about Conditional events
- [CAM-6838] - When fetching external tasks, I can request object variables to be deserialized
- [CAM-6846] - I can navigate to batch deletion of historic PI
- [CAM-6847] - Add Decision Requirements Definitions Tile to Cockpit Dashboard
- [CAM-6848] - Update Decision Definition Page
- [CAM-6849] - Add DRD Definition View
- [CAM-6850] - Update Decision Definition View
- [CAM-6851] - Update Decision Instance View
- [CAM-6852] - Add DRD Instance View
- [CAM-6854] - Fix Live Edit to handle DRDs
- [CAM-6855] - Add links in existing views to DRDs
- [CAM-6859] - I can see Case Instance State in Cockpit
- [CAM-6862] - I can set variable in delegate code and conditional event is triggered
- [CAM-6863] - I can query the Historic Decision Instance Statistics of a DRD
- [CAM-6878] - I can set job retries as batch from cockpit
- [CAM-6882] - I can use conditional events with event based gateways
- [CAM-6889] - I can search for processes with incidents in batch operation
- [CAM-6890] - Add validation for additional inputs for batch operations
- [CAM-6896] - I get feedback on why the batch proceed button is disabled
- [CAM-6930] - As a cockpit user I can toggle the dashboard regions
- [CAM-6935] - I can query the Historic Decision Instances by Decision Definition Keys
- [CAM-6957] - Introduce CompositeProcessEnginePlugin
- [CAM-3385] - Extract BPMN activity types into public API constants
- [CAM-3762] - Disable "complete task" button in Tasklist while request is in flight
- [CAM-4415] - I can read docs for how to configure retry job command
- [CAM-4948] - Remove Process Diagram png renderer
- [CAM-5443] - Test ensuring that old engine runs on new schema
- [CAM-5444] - Test infrastructure ensuring that old engine completes old instances after schema migration
- [CAM-5681] - Fix typo in logging output of invoice example
- [CAM-5762] - Remove Glassfish in 7.6 (after 7.5 Release)
- [CAM-5813] - Update docs with correct DMN Namespace
- [CAM-5914] - Add indices to act_ru_job
- [CAM-6096] - Increase transaction timeout for WebSphere
- [CAM-6101] - Report Title is shown above Report
- [CAM-6130] - Test that migration with an object type variable does not access the deserialized value during migration
- [CAM-6147] - Update Ldap test dependency
- [CAM-6152] - Improve docs on process archive resource scanning
- [CAM-6154] - Build infrastructure for less in camunda webapp ee plugins
- [CAM-6155] - Move webapp ee plugin styles to ee plugins
- [CAM-6156] - Improve Less Sources in Webapp
- [CAM-6158] - Spike: Copy to Clipboard button in Webapp
- [CAM-6159] - Next iteration on Cockpit / Admin Dashboards
- [CAM-6161] - As a user I can recognize search and filter fields easily
- [CAM-6162] - Next iteration Form Inputs
- [CAM-6163] - Next Iteration Header Size and alignment
- [CAM-6167] - Make all screenshots on docs.camunda.org consistent
- [CAM-6176] - Speed up frontend build
- [CAM-6187] - Delete docs folder in SDK-JS
- [CAM-6188] - Mention how to access $rootscope from Tasklist embedded forms
- [CAM-6193] - Spike: add filtering to history job log
- [CAM-6194] - Change design of the "state pills"
- [CAM-6195] - Add a loader indication to the webapps
- [CAM-6199] - Provide an example with Spring Boot
- [CAM-6200] - Specify DB clustering & replication requirements in Supported Environments
- [CAM-6201] - Allow usage of ES6 in webapps
- [CAM-6203] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on Wildfly
- [CAM-6207] - Improve formatting of WildFly and JBoss in docs
- [CAM-6209] - Add community extension "Camunda Process Test Coverage" to docs
- [CAM-6211] - I can read how to model and evaluate a DRD in Get Started Guide
- [CAM-6213] - Provide an example for DRDs
- [CAM-6214] - frontend build does not pick up changes of html files
- [CAM-6215] - Database state and DbIdGenerator become inconsistent when recreating schema
- [CAM-6250] - Use source maps for compiled CSS
- [CAM-6253] - Add Linting to webapps
- [CAM-6255] - I can read docs about how to configure TenantIdProvider for a Shared Process Engine
- [CAM-6264] - Add Spring Boot and Mail extension to the docs
- [CAM-6266] - Add test coverage extension to docs index page
- [CAM-6267] - Proposal for DMN DRD Diagram Interchange
- [CAM-6275] - Update Public API section in the docs
- [CAM-6276] - Test public API is not broken by mistake in all projects
- [CAM-6279] - Provide Process Engine Services configuration bean in spring
- [CAM-6281] - Update documentation styles
- [CAM-6282] - Update blog styles
- [CAM-6283] - Button styling spike
- [CAM-6287] - Skip history authorization performance tests failing on DB2
- [CAM-6289] - Provide Tests for Redeployment of a ProcessApplication with Decisions and Drds
- [CAM-6296] - Improve loading icon
- [CAM-6308] - Semantic Validation in Model API
- [CAM-6319] - Improve UX/UI on Task Dashboard
- [CAM-6320] - Improve task calculation
- [CAM-6331] - Document Optimistic Locking Behavior in Engine
- [CAM-6332] - Cockpit process definition filters need styling
- [CAM-6333] - Add a minimal width to cockpit process left sidebar
- [CAM-6338] - Execute upgrade tests with new SQL scripts
- [CAM-6342] - Replace snapshot version with 7.5.3 in test upgrade pom
- [CAM-6350] - Write Update Guide 7.5 -> 7.6
- [CAM-6352] - Rename Decision Requirement Diagram to Decision Requirements Graph
- [CAM-6354] - Draw all diagrams in Tutorials with Camunda Modeler
- [CAM-6361] - Add a ":" at the "Related" labels in cockpit process sidebar
- [CAM-6364] - Proofread and correct Process Engine section in User Guide
- [CAM-6373] - As User I can read documentation about the open task dashboard
- [CAM-6377] - Make OSGI import of junit optional
- [CAM-6378] - Fix OSGI exports of connect core module
- [CAM-6385] - Update hugo patched version to 0.16
- [CAM-6392] - Align sidebar tabs and lower part tabs height in cockpit
- [CAM-6400] - Improve documentation of acquirable jobs
- [CAM-6409] - Provide Markup for variableOnPart for sentries
- [CAM-6410] - Comprehensive error message when running Engine IT with JBoss AS 7.2 and JDK >= 8
- [CAM-6411] - Document what we (developers) have to know about guarantees for rolling upgrades
- [CAM-6426] - Rework CMMN Get Started Guide
- [CAM-6427] - Sentry variable on parts are transformed
- [CAM-6434] - Align "ID" and "Id"
- [CAM-6437] - Write a Blog Post about new DMN Engine Benchmark
- [CAM-6438] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on Tomcat
- [CAM-6439] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on JBoss
- [CAM-6443] - Make cockpit menu scale
- [CAM-6451] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED on WebSphere
- [CAM-6452] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED on WebLogic
- [CAM-6462] - Skip history authorization performance tests on Oracle
- [CAM-6466] - Proofread and correct Process Applications section in the user guide
- [CAM-6469] - Remove GlassFish from the documentation
- [CAM-6475] - As User I can use a task report in cockpit
- [CAM-6476] - Update isScanForProcessDefinitions property description in processes.xml documentation
- [CAM-6479] - Group "misc" sections on cockpit dashboard
- [CAM-6480] - Remove breadcrumb on admin dashboard
- [CAM-6486] - Proofread and correct Runtime Container Integration section in the user guide
- [CAM-6489] - Proofread and correct Spring Framework Integration section in the user guide
- [CAM-6492] - Create Test cases for Rolling Upgrades
- [CAM-6497] - Proofread and correct CDI and Java EE Integration section in the user guide
- [CAM-6499] - Document Process Engine Configuration in CDI and Java EE Integration section
- [CAM-6500] - Update DMN XSD to include DI
- [CAM-6502] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED in all distros
- [CAM-6503] - Proofread and correct Testing section in the user guide
- [CAM-6515] - Proofread and correct Model API section in the user guide
- [CAM-6518] - Remove eclipse modeler libraries from 7.6 docs
- [CAM-6519] - add 3rd party libraries of camunda modeler
- [CAM-6520] - Rework padding of edited table rows
- [CAM-6522] - Spike: dashboard sparkline
- [CAM-6527] - Proofread and correct Data Formats section in the user guide
- [CAM-6536] - Add note that Process Instance Modification is not supported inside the same Instance
- [CAM-6542] - Proofread and correct User Task Forms section in the user guide
- [CAM-6543] - Make HistoricIncidentRestServiceTenantCheckTest reliable
- [CAM-6546] - Rename "Duration" to "Process instance duration" report
- [CAM-6547] - extend historic task report query
- [CAM-6549] - Remove "more" section on cockpit dashboard
- [CAM-6550] - Rename "Tasks" cockpit section to "User Tasks"
- [CAM-6561] - Use cmmn viewer to show cmmn diagram in repository view
- [CAM-6563] - Link to case definition in repository view in cockpit
- [CAM-6567] - Blog post for 7.6.0-alpha3
- [CAM-6569] - document java api for historic task report query
- [CAM-6585] - Proofread and correct DMN Engine section in the user guide
- [CAM-6588] - I can see a message when there are no tasks in the completed task report
- [CAM-6589] - Change some labels for the completed task report
- [CAM-6590] - Create Link for each amount in completed task report
- [CAM-6597] - Make usage of the term update consistent
- [CAM-6599] - Restructure FoxJobRetryCmd to determine activity id for custom retry strategy based on process definition
- [CAM-6603] - Align filter for Process Instances with New Filter Pattern
- [CAM-6606] - Add metric resource to sdk-js
- [CAM-6607] - Rename "User Tasks" to "Human Tasks"
- [CAM-6609] - Harmonize Human Task Data tables
- [CAM-6614] - Remove min 8 Chars Password restriction in Admin
- [CAM-6615] - Extract rolling update test suite from instance migration test suite
- [CAM-6623] - I can write tests of the form: given 7.X API interaction, when 7.(X-1) API interaction, then success
- [CAM-6636] - Add Loading Indicator to Process Instance History Incidents Tab
- [CAM-6640] - Proofread and correct Logging section in the user guide
- [CAM-6647] - Make usage of the term update consistent in the rolling updates section
- [CAM-6651] - Evaluate if ACT_HI_ACTINST.PROC_DEF_KEY index speeds up history queries with authorization
- [CAM-6667] - Align style of "null" values in Cockpit
- [CAM-6670] - Remove jsdoc tasks from all camunda-bpm-sdk-js
- [CAM-6676] - Cockpit Dashboard: Metrics and Restructuring
- [CAM-6679] - Add indexes on PROC_DEF_KEY_ columns in history tables
- [CAM-6689] - Require user to update to latest patch before updating to next minor version
- [CAM-6693] - Make usage of the term save point consistent
- [CAM-6702] - From each webapp, I can navigate to the welcome page
- [CAM-6703] - When I click on the "profile" button, I am directed to the welcome page
- [CAM-6704] - Rethink Admin App Authorizations
- [CAM-6705] - Rethink exiting Camunda Welcome Page
- [CAM-6711] - Create demo metric data for Cockpit webapp
- [CAM-6715] - Proofread and correct Rest Api reference
- [CAM-6724] - Improve "Implement Custom Incident Handlers" documention
- [CAM-6725] - Add new column for metric utc timestamp to ACT_RU_METER_LOG table
- [CAM-6726] - Start Spring Process Application after Spring Context is initialized fully
- [CAM-6727] - Fix spring unit test suite memory consumption
- [CAM-6730] - Add a Case to the invoice example
- [CAM-6731] - Investigate class problems in rest tests in CI
- [CAM-6733] - On Historic Process Definition View align filter for Process Instances with New Filter Pattern
- [CAM-6734] - Document integer representation of resource types
- [CAM-6737] - fix non logging behavior in develop mode of ee webapp
- [CAM-6741] - Link to license page is not properly defined if webapp is deployed on root context
- [CAM-6746] - Create generic components common to batch operations in cockpit
- [CAM-6747] - Create performance test for metric intervals
- [CAM-6752] - Update camunda commons versions in all projects to latest
- [CAM-6760] - Create index for new column of ACT_RU_METER_LOG table
- [CAM-6767] - Enable or delete HistoryLevelTest
- [CAM-6768] - Update dmn-js to v.0.6.1
- [CAM-6769] - Deprecate usage of createAttachemnt by processInstance id in TaskService
- [CAM-6770] - Caching of Script Engines with Standalone DMN Engine
- [CAM-6771] - Script Compilation for DMN Engine
- [CAM-6773] - I can set restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers from command context
- [CAM-6776] - Document extended property on debug widget
- [CAM-6780] - Create behaviors for exeuction of conditional events
- [CAM-6783] - Move loading indicator for process instance search
- [CAM-6797] - I can see examples of shared engine setup
- [CAM-6802] - I can start dev ee cockpit and not wait for DevProcessApplication to finish
- [CAM-6803] - Update camunda commons versions in all projects to 1.4.0-alpha3
- [CAM-6811] - Add Link to Incident Types in REST docs
- [CAM-6827] - Adjust documentation about Filters in Cockpit
- [CAM-6829] - I can create task listener using fluent model API
- [CAM-6856] - The Output Value of a required Decision is always a List if multple Rules can match
- [CAM-6858] - Make Process Definition Key in batch operation view link to process definition
- [CAM-6870] - Create no event subscriptions for conditional events
- [CAM-6873] - Style "Search process instances" on processes page
- [CAM-6877] - Proofread and correct Welcome application section
- [CAM-6880] - I can press back button on batch definition
- [CAM-6891] - Add breadcrumb for batch operation
- [CAM-6893] - Improve conditional event documentation
- [CAM-6894] - Remove unnecessary maven profiles in camunda-bpm-webapp
- [CAM-6895] - Add servlet configuration to web.xml for welcome app
- [CAM-6901] - Add Galera to supported Databases in documentation
- [CAM-6904] - Document supported Galera Configuration
- [CAM-6907] - Document Galera known limitations
- [CAM-6915] - Improve display of Metrics when no data is available
- [CAM-6917] - Improve Date handling in Metrics Plugin
- [CAM-6918] - Propagate current query to batch operation page
- [CAM-6919] - I should not be able to search for incidents on the batch operations page
- [CAM-6920] - Incorrect Notification on batch confirmation page?
- [CAM-6921] - Improve batch operations UI
- [CAM-6922] - Aggregate reporters values in dashboard metric graphs
- [CAM-6924] - Update documentation for conditional events
- [CAM-6927] - Optimize cockpit dashboard layout in CE
- [CAM-6928] - Improve cockpit header on small screen displays
- [CAM-6929] - Refactor cockpit dashboard metric plugins
- [CAM-6931] - Transpose the dashboard regions design to the resource dashboards
- [CAM-6932] - Create pie charts for cockpit dashboard
- [CAM-6937] - Allow process application deployment without processes.xml - pluggable DeploymentOperationSteps
- [CAM-6942] - The conditional boundary and event sub process are evaluated on scope creation time
- [CAM-6950] - Use new localConf service to store state of cockpit regions
- [CAM-6953] - Improve Runtime/History switching in cockpit
- [CAM-6956] - handle input tab in literal expressions
- [CAM-6966] - Execute conditional event dispatching only if conditional events exist in process definition
- [CAM-6968] - Add dashboard styling to reports overview page
- [CAM-6970] - Rework design of collapsible dashboard section
- [CAM-6971] - Show output variable name for literal expressions
- [CAM-6973] - Fetch Metrics section from dashboard into separate plugin template
- [CAM-6979] - Attempt to prevent request on for Right Now & Deployed sections in cockpit dashboard
- [CAM-6980] - Proofread and correct Tasks section of BPMN 2.0 Reference
- [CAM-6981] - Document batch operations
- [CAM-6982] - Update Documentation to new Cockpit dashboard structure and plugins
- [CAM-6988] - Update Cockpit Screenshots
- [CAM-6991] - Update dmn-js to latest version
- [CAM-6992] - Rework cockpit dashboard plugin points
- [CAM-6993] - Update Tasklist Screenshots
- [CAM-6994] - Update Admin Screenshots
- [CAM-6996] - Add styles for drd modeling
- [CAM-7000] - Document DRDs in Cockpit
- [CAM-7003] - Setup CI for 7.6 Maintenance
- [CAM-7006] - Create 7.6 Job DSL branch
- [CAM-7007] - Create Camunda BPM 7.6 maintenance branches
- [CAM-7008] - I can trigger a 7.6 patch release
- [CAM-7010] - Migrate version-specific Camunda BPM platform code to 7.7
- [CAM-7012] - Migrate Get started Guide "BPMN 2.0"
- [CAM-7013] - Migrate Get started Guide "CMMN"
- [CAM-7015] - Migrate Get started Guide "Spring Framework"
- [CAM-7016] - Migrate Get started Guide "Java Enterprise Edition"
- [CAM-7017] - Adjust and migrate examples "BPMN 2.0"
- [CAM-7018] - Adjust and migrate examples "Deployment"
- [CAM-7019] - Adjust and migrate examples "Plugin & Model API"
- [CAM-7020] - Adjust and migrate examples "Webapp"
- [CAM-7021] - Adjust and migrate examples "Misc"
- [CAM-7022] - Write tag for the adjusted examples repository
- [CAM-7023] - Test Standalone Webapps
- [CAM-7024] - Create docs stage and release jobs for new branch
- [CAM-7025] - Update Master Job DSL branch for 7.7 development
- [CAM-7026] - Write 7.6.0 Release Blogpost
- [CAM-7028] - minor templates improvements
- [CAM-7029] - Adjust styles in drd pages
- [CAM-7031] - Release camunda commons 1.4.0
- [CAM-7034] - Conduct a minor release for all camunda side projects with a released alpha version
- [CAM-7037] - Use the same icon for all collapsible regions
- [CAM-7038] - Rework vertical spacing of dashboard sections
- [CAM-7046] - Add DRD to invoice Example
- [CAM-7050] - Rework layout of DRD modal editor
- [CAM-7052] - Add some padding at bottom of the admin dashboard sections
- [CAM-7068] - Rework / try new app loading logo
- [CAM-7069] - Use new styles in camunda-bpm-php-sdk GH page
- [CAM-7073] - Update the Entity Relationship Diagrams in the docs
- [CAM-7074] - Adjust content in migration guide
- [CAM-7092] - Rename Weblogic to WebLogic in docs
- [CAM-7229] - zalando/camunda-cockpit-client is listed in Community Extensions
- [CAM-7322] - replace upgrade with update in 7.5 to 7.6 update guide
- [CAM-7376] - Remove note about limitation for batch instance cancellation
- [CAM-7384] - Docs use new Header
- [CAM-7465] - Remove businesskey from list of constraints for output mapping
- [CAM-7471] - fix formatting in forms reference
- [CAM-7481] - Add how to create a Custom Connector
- [CAM-7897] - Remove misleading sentence from docs
- [CAM-8022] - Remove zalando/camunda-cockpit-client from Community Extension list
- [CAM-8093] - improve supported environments for db clusters
- [CAM-8132] - Add Google Tag Manager to docs.camunda.org
- [CAM-8649] - Document installation options from camunda.org/download
- [CAM-6245] - Use source maps for compiled CSS
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