Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.5.0 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-3604] - Foreign Key Constraint errors due to incorrect flush ordering
  • [CAM-3857] - I can not access current Execution in ProcessApplication.execute(Callable)
  • [CAM-3941] - Variable to execution assignment is not correct after repeated tree compaction/expansion
  • [CAM-3961] - Field ProcessApplication#name is ignored
  • [CAM-4043] - It is not possible to properly make an activity async from within a parse listener
  • [CAM-4239] - Tokens for inclusive gateways are not waiting at correct join
  • [CAM-4257] - Cockpit does not display asyncBefore multi instance body incidents in diagram
  • [CAM-4278] - Authorization slow down the response time of Cockpit
  • [CAM-4328] - Column ACT_RU_JOB#PROCESS_DEF_KEY_ has wrong length
  • [CAM-4481] - Task List: Javascript in task comments security issue
  • [CAM-4746] - Datepicker-Textfield does not validate selected date correctly in embedded form
  • [CAM-4865] - Missing DDL for ACT_FK_EXEC_PROCINST in SQL Server DDL
  • [CAM-4883] - Model API is not available in cockpit plugins on JBoss/WildFly
  • [CAM-4960] - Inclusive gateway triggers too early when an upstream token waits in two nested scopes without outgoing flows
  • [CAM-4979] - Bad performance when requesting user list in Admin
  • [CAM-4982] - Cannot access process engine with different data source in delegation code
  • [CAM-5004] - Banner overlaps table in docs
  • [CAM-5028] - Code highlighting in CMMN getting started
  • [CAM-5062] - Error message when accessing webapps from camunda-welcome page
  • [CAM-5073] - Job acquisition thread does not become idle when no jobs are there
  • [CAM-5076] - Deployment registration summary is not logged anymore
  • [CAM-5091] - Cannot configure custom job retry cycle for the activity wrapped in the multi instance body
  • [CAM-5094] - OSGi errors in org.camunda.bpm-7.4.0
  • [CAM-5097] - Cannot remove async activity from process and redeploy due to possible cache inconsistency
  • [CAM-5102] - Dmn tables are not optional
  • [CAM-5104] - Grabbing & Moving a BPMN diagram with Firefox 42 not smooth
  • [CAM-5109] - Update Tasklist CSS customization snippet and documentation
  • [CAM-5110] - Blog Images are overlayed with dotted line
  • [CAM-5117] - Pause badge of suspended jobs missing in diagram view
  • [CAM-5120] - Execution-End-Listener is invoked twice inside parallel multi instance
  • [CAM-5122] - Rest API dates cannot be submitted with timezone information
  • [CAM-5123] - Plain Id Anchors not working in docs
  • [CAM-5126] - I cannot set the DMN Engine Configuration
  • [CAM-5128] - Copy Local Variables in Parallel Gateway to Parent Execution
  • [CAM-5129] - OPTIONS requests perform authorization checks also when authorization is disabled
  • [CAM-5130] - ManagementServiceTest has errors and exeptions in general and a failure on IBM Informix DB
  • [CAM-5131] - I can't use pagination in the list of users and groups in admin
  • [CAM-5142] - Cannot configure the DMN Engine in Process Engine Configuration
  • [CAM-5148] - Lanes indicated as Supported instead of Pools
  • [CAM-5152] - Local variable instances are duplicated in the history when execution tree compaction happens
  • [CAM-5155] - Cannot use Resteasy-CDI extension with custom JAX-RS application that bundles Camunda classes
  • [CAM-5163] - Leaving activity is performed after error propagation in connector plugin
  • [CAM-5182] - Standalone webapp does not deploy
  • [CAM-5236] - FileValue vs File and Inputstream
  • [CAM-5244] - I cannot use a process-application-local data format to serialize object variables
  • [CAM-5248] - Job Definition Suspension Overlay tries to read definitions before they are loaded
  • [CAM-5249] - Unique constraint violation if an async start event variable is changed before job execution
  • [CAM-5250] - Cannot Deploy the same Resources for another Tenant with enabled Duplicate Filter
  • [CAM-5251] - Cannot use a Timer Start Event when the Process Definition is deployed for multiple Tenants
  • [CAM-5252] - NPE on opening Process Definition view after triggering non-interrupting boundary event
  • [CAM-5253] - Cannot set a Retry Time Cycle configuration of a Timer Start Event when the Process Definition is deployed for multiple Tenants
  • [CAM-5254] - Triggering a non-interrupting event concurrently with tree compaction does not cause OptimisticLockingException
  • [CAM-5255] - Report.xml: use constant value instead of variable in select statement
  • [CAM-5257] - Historic Activity Statistics Query cannot use index
  • [CAM-5264] - fetchAndLock ReST API does not work without variables argument
  • [CAM-5272] - In an embedded engine scenario the engine loads previous definitions unnecessarily
  • [CAM-5273] - Unique Constraint on Process Definitions with Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5282] - Cannot find the Previous Version of a Definition with Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5291] - Job exception stack trace is not logged
  • [CAM-5295] - Deleting a deployment should remove existing process application registrations
  • [CAM-5297] - Get Latest Version of Process Definition which is deployed for Multiple Tenants
  • [CAM-5299] - Wrong headers in OPTIONS /filter request
  • [CAM-5319] - ProcessApplicationEventListenerDelegate is registered twice in case of a timer event definition
  • [CAM-5322] - DMN Evaluation not correct if String contains comma
  • [CAM-5329] - Decision History should not thrown an exception if the input/outputs where fetch but are empty
  • [CAM-5335] - Apache HTTP Client does not use system properties in Camunda HTTP Connector
  • [CAM-5340] - Caching causes problems in webapps
  • [CAM-5341] - Cannot download report in IE
  • [CAM-5347] - Remove imports for embedded dependencies in camunda-engine-dmn
  • [CAM-5352] - Bad Performance Historic Process Instance Count Query on PostgreSQL
  • [CAM-5364] - Queries get slow if a user is a member of many of groups and auth is enabled
  • [CAM-5390] - Angular is loaded more than once
  • [CAM-5398] - Process instances that belong to a different process definition can be migrated
  • [CAM-5402] - I can not migrate activities of different type in one instruction
  • [CAM-5404] - Migration Validation error messages are meaningless
  • [CAM-5410] - Typos in timer events documentation
  • [CAM-5424] - Cannot scroll blog page when BPMN process is under mouse pointer
  • [CAM-5440] - Missing index on ACT_RU_EXT_TASK for foreign key constraint
  • [CAM-5450] - History Queries perform unnecessary authorization checks
  • [CAM-5461] - Missing validation for non-existent versions on migration page
  • [CAM-5464] - After selecting a source process definition to migrate an exception is thrown
  • [CAM-5472] - Migration Plugin works without license key
  • [CAM-5473] - Long deployment name bursts layout in deployment view
  • [CAM-5477] - Browser history does not work for migration UI
  • [CAM-5481] - Job execution threads keep executing exclusive follow-up jobs although the job executor has been shut down
  • [CAM-5487] - Migration view executes a request multiple times
  • [CAM-5491] - Incident of timer boundary event job references wrong activity
  • [CAM-5502] - hide heat map button in IE broken
  • [CAM-5503] - Migrating transition instances does not trigger validation exception
  • [CAM-5505] - Shutting down Tomcat (+ BPM platform), the job execution thread pool is not gracefully shut down
  • [CAM-5510] - Binary file values initialized via InputStream or File are corrupted
  • [CAM-5515] - File download in history view points to runtime data
  • [CAM-5521] - Cockpit File Download does not use correct contextPath
  • [CAM-5540] - Cannot tab out of search field
  • [CAM-5541] - Focus border for focussable elements missing
  • [CAM-5542] - Cannot add, edit or delete sorting with keyboard
  • [CAM-5543] - I cannot change dates and assignee with keyboard
  • [CAM-5544] - Cannot access generic form in tasklist with keyboard
  • [CAM-5552] - Global process application event execution listener is not invoked on start and end of a process instance
  • [CAM-5554] - Process and decision definition list wait for instance and incident statistics in cockpit
  • [CAM-5568] - FeelFunctionMapper uses not thread safe SimpleDateFormat as class field
  • [CAM-5571] - Search Widget dropdown stays open when I navigate with tab key (IE)
  • [CAM-5572] - New tasklist layout broken on small viewports
  • [CAM-5581] - Tenant Id in Deployment and Process Definition Statistic Results is always null
  • [CAM-5589] - Support official DMN 1.1 namespace
  • [CAM-5602] - Concurrent execution variables can get lost during migration
  • [CAM-5607] - JS SDK only deploys last file when creating deployment
  • [CAM-5608] - REST API and Camunda Webapp partially broken on WebLogic 12.2.1
  • [CAM-5646] - Hide untranslated app name in tasklist header
  • [CAM-5653] - Variable identity is not stable during tree expansion/compaction
  • [CAM-5656] - Enterprise download table needs more styling
  • [CAM-5658] - jackson class loading problem on weblogic 12R2
  • [CAM-5666] - Long Tenant-ID overflows on Tasklist
  • [CAM-5688] - Cockpit search drop down not fully visible
  • [CAM-5702] - Cannot use Priority greater/less than in Tasklist Search
  • [CAM-5707] - Restore webapp as webjar functionality
  • [CAM-5714] - Fix Spring Framework getting started guide code snippet
  • [CAM-5715] - Fix Java EE getting started guide code snippet
  • [CAM-5740] - Pages containing search widget produces unnecessary browser history entry
  • [CAM-5761] - Migration instance search for variables only works for strings
  • [CAM-5763] - IncidentInstanceHandler is not null safe
  • [CAM-5764] - Using REST API to migrate instances without instructions is not null safe
  • [CAM-5765] - Active engine dropdown in webapps is not "highlighted"
  • [CAM-5766] - Job#ProcessDefinitionKey is not updated after migration
  • [CAM-5785] - Generated migration plan does not contain instruction for event sub process start event if event sub process is not matched
  • [CAM-5788] - There is no documentation on recommended database isolation level
  • [CAM-5791] - Spin variable is exported as process variable if autoStoreScriptVariables is true
  • [CAM-5795] - Tasklist broken in Firefox
  • [CAM-5809] - Fired rules in cockpit decision instance view are not highlighted
  • [CAM-5816] - Cockpit does not show variables when no activity instance id is set
  • [CAM-5827] - AuthorizationService#isAuthorized() performs an authorization check even when authorization is disabled
  • [CAM-5839] - Migration batch doesn't hint JobExecutor
  • [CAM-5848] - Historic incidents of deleted batches are not deleted
  • [CAM-5850] - Invoice showcase packed in wrong folder
  • [CAM-5856] - Job execution thread executes new exclusive jobs that belong to other process instances
  • [CAM-5857] - If I delete a Batch Job using management service the configuration is not deleted
  • [CAM-5864] - Migration performs no context switch
  • [CAM-5887] - Cockpit sidebar layout broken in IE9
  • [CAM-5889] - Exclusive Job is executed twice on same Job Executor
  • [CAM-5901] - Migration jobs are executed on any node in a heterogeneous cluster
  • [CAM-5902] - Deployment id is not updated for migrated jobs
  • [CAM-5916] - Migration does not load definitions from database if not present in the deployment cache
  • [CAM-5917] - In the migration view the instance count is not shorten
  • [CAM-5918] - There is a word or so missing in the delete deployment modal
  • [CAM-5926] - Batch monitor job should be scheduled without due date on first creation
  • [CAM-5927] - Cannot access local execution variables in end execution listener for compensation handler
  • [CAM-5937] - Update Event Trigger property not serialized during async execution
  • [CAM-5944] - Number of Incidents in Cockpit Dashboard wrong
  • [CAM-5945] - Footer in Admin broken
  • [CAM-5949] - Embedding the REST API leads to AmbiguousResolutionException
  • [CAM-5952] - I cannot search for tasks by (numeric) business key in tasklist
  • [CAM-5955] - Wrong value for "instance count" in deployment
  • [CAM-5958] - Filter colors are not displayed in tasklist
  • [CAM-5962] - Unable to view user profile after authorization change
  • [CAM-5964] - In admin, sometimes, loading tenants does not finish
  • [CAM-5966] - Perform the Camunda Admin Check based on the current Authentication
  • [CAM-5968] - Migration Arrows broken for target with multiple source activities
  • [CAM-5976] - Customized app vendor and name not used in html title
  • [CAM-5989] - Batch Progress Percentage includes failed jobs
  • [CAM-5992] - Update external task suspension state SQL statement does not use table prefix
  • [CAM-5996] - I cannot see the Tenant of a Process Definition / Instance in History View
  • [CAM-6003] - Cannot switch between available permissions in admin
  • [CAM-6004] - Tomcat log shows REST calls as DEBUG information
  • [CAM-6006] - Wrong amount of instance shown in sidebar of proc. definition
  • [CAM-6008] - If I open the migration view without a license there is no link to enter it
  • [CAM-6009] - Invoice examples starts process with Boolean variable as String
  • [CAM-6010] - Migration error should be above the mapping arrows
  • [CAM-6011] - If a sub process and its child activities are mapped the arrows are hard to distinguish
  • [CAM-6012] - The validation REST API should not spam the server log with exceptions
  • [CAM-6014] - Cannot use distinct with CLOB typed columns in Oracle and DB2
  • [CAM-6018] - number of decision definitions incorrect on cockpit dashboard
  • [CAM-6037] - Cannot create new authorization in empty list after removing authorizations
  • [CAM-6038] - Cannot execute migration batch jobs due to missing authorization
  • [CAM-6039] - Navbar section links not visible when following deep link
  • [CAM-6045] - Mapping icon missing in migration view
  • [CAM-6053] - WildFly10 insert batch job timeout
  • [CAM-6086] - Layout of invoice form broken
  • [CAM-6093] - Filter Query results not distinct on db2
  • [CAM-6109] - Groups, Users and Tenants not visible on Admin Dashboard on WLS 12R2
  • [CAM-6111] - Broken layout on cockpits reports overview page in IE9
  • [CAM-6114] - Process Engine doesn't use maria db create scipts
  • [CAM-6115] - Fix browser-forms example
  • [CAM-6116] - Fix browser-forms-angular example
  • [CAM-6117] - Fix nodejs example
  • [CAM-6125] - Migrating a user task should update the task definition key
  • [CAM-6132] - Correct Upgrade Guide with respect to Wildfly distro
  • [CAM-6285] - Incorrect documentation on failed jobs
  • [CAM-6521] - dead link in documentation
  • [CAM-6642] - Broken link to tutorial in Process Applications section of documentation
  • [CAM-6668] - I can read documentation about WildFly/JBoss configuration in case i want to use Jackson and Spin
  • [CAM-6806] - Documentation of Get Historic Variable Instances mentioned wrong parameter
  • [CAM-7011] - Restrict Tomcat 8 supported environment to 8.0
  • [CAM-7526] - Documentation for JavaDelegate instantiation is wrong

Feature Request

  • [CAM-2757] - Custom error messages in FormFieldValidators
  • [CAM-4069] - I can set custom request headers using the HTTP-Client in JS SDK
  • [CAM-4690] - I can use external tasks with all service-task-like tasks
  • [CAM-4721] - Using the REST Api, I can correlate a message by process instance id
  • [CAM-4911] - I can retrieve Identitylinks from History
  • [CAM-5005] - Recover candidates from historic tasks (IdentityLink)
  • [CAM-5145] - Support Milliseconds for MariaDB
  • [CAM-5158] - Using Java and REST api, I can retrieve a Process Instance duration report
  • [CAM-5177] - Using the REST Api, I can retreive a Process Instance duration report as CSV
  • [CAM-5180] - I can use separate permissions to grant a user for different task actions
  • [CAM-5185] - I can set a Tenant-Id on Deployment
  • [CAM-5188] - I can query Process Definitions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5189] - I can query Case Definitions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5190] - I can query Decision Definitions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5191] - I can query Process Instances and Executions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5192] - I can query Incidents by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5193] - I can query Event Subscriptions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5194] - I can query Variable Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5195] - I can query User Tasks by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5196] - I can query External Tasks by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5197] - I can query Case Instances and Case Executions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5198] - I can query Job Definitions and Jobs by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5199] - I can query Historic Process Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5200] - I can query Historic Activity Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5201] - I can query Historic Task Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5202] - I can query Historic Variable Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5203] - I can query Historic Details by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5204] - I can query Historic Incidents by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5205] - I can query Historic Job Logs by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5206] - I can query Historic Case Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5207] - I can query Historic Case Activity Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5208] - I can query Historic Decision Instances by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5211] - I can start a Process Instance by Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5212] - I can Suspend and Activate Process Definitions by Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5213] - I can create a Case Instance by Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5214] - I can evaluate a Decision Table by Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5215] - I can send a Signal for a Tenant
  • [CAM-5216] - I can correlate a Message for a Tenant
  • [CAM-5217] - I can Suspend and Activate Job Definitions and Jobs by Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5218] - I can specify a Tenant-Id for Auto-Deployment of a Process Application
  • [CAM-5219] - I can specify a Tenant-Id for Auto-Deployment of a Spring Application
  • [CAM-5221] - I can Redeploy an existing Deployment of a Tenant
  • [CAM-5223] - I can start a Process Instance by Message and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5226] - I can see the Tenant-Id of a Deployment in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5227] - I can Filter Tasks by Tenant-Id in Tasklist
  • [CAM-5228] - I can start a Process Instance of a Process Definition with a Tenant-Id in Tasklist
  • [CAM-5229] - A Call Activity start a Process / Case Instance from the same Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5230] - A Business Rule Task evaluate a Decision Table from the same Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5231] - A Process / Case Task start a Process / Case Instance from the same Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5232] - A Signal thrown from an Intermediate Throwing Signal Event or a Signal End Event can only be received in same Tenant
  • [CAM-5238] - Save the user who executed a decision in the history
  • [CAM-5242] - I can Find and Start a Process Instance of a Process Definition without Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5247] - I can read documentation on the process engine reporting API
  • [CAM-5268] - Provide a SPI for the Propagation of the Tenant-Id of a Process Instance
  • [CAM-5275] - I can create process instance duration report in cockpit
  • [CAM-5281] - I can trigger a BPMN error boundary event from an external task
  • [CAM-5323] - Admin menu "system" and "authorizations" should be accessible to administrator user only
  • [CAM-5324] - Expose User of Historic Decision Instance in Query and REST API
  • [CAM-5325] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent user tasks in the same BPMN scope
  • [CAM-5330] - I can get the Tenant Id from a Delegate Execution
  • [CAM-5333] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent user tasks where the target process definition contains one additional parent scope
  • [CAM-5334] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent user tasks where the target process definition contains less parent scopes
  • [CAM-5338] - I can create and reference messages using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5342] - I can create and reference signals using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5354] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent activities where the target activity has a new boundary event
  • [CAM-5355] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent user tasks where the target activity has no boundary events
  • [CAM-5359] - I can create boundary events using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5360] - I can migrate activity instances between equivalent user tasks where the target process definition contains multiple additional parent scope
  • [CAM-5365] - I can create class and expression execution listeners using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5368] - I can make an activity multi-instance using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5373] - I can migrate process instances with multi-instance
  • [CAM-5376] - I can see a migration plan in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5381] - I can set an camunda input/output for activities with name and value using the fluent builder of the model API
  • [CAM-5386] - I can choose to skip custom listeners and io mappings when migrating process instances synchronously
  • [CAM-5388] - In the user operation log, there is an entry written whenever a user triggers migration
  • [CAM-5394] - External Task fetch and lock by Priorites
  • [CAM-5400] - I can migrate activity instances with boundary events
  • [CAM-5403] - I can create timer event definitions with the fluent builder API
  • [CAM-5411] - I can retrieve a Definition of a specific Tenant using the REST-API
  • [CAM-5412] - I can find Event Subscriptions, Job Definitions and Jobs without Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5413] - I can specify the Tenant Id of the Process Definition on a Call Activity
  • [CAM-5414] - I can specify the Tenant Id of the Decision Definition on a Business Rule Task
  • [CAM-5415] - I can specify the Tenant Id of the Process / Case / Decision Definition on a Process / Case / Decision Task
  • [CAM-5419] - I can create error event definitions with the fluent builder API
  • [CAM-5420] - I can create escalation event definitions with the fluent builder API
  • [CAM-5431] - I can migrate a process which waits in an asynchronous continuation
  • [CAM-5432] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in an intermediate timer event
  • [CAM-5433] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in a receive task/intermediate message event
  • [CAM-5434] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in an external task
  • [CAM-5435] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in an event based gateway
  • [CAM-5436] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in a call activity
  • [CAM-5437] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in a transaction
  • [CAM-5455] - In cockpit I can see relevant properties of a process instance and a process definition
  • [CAM-5459] - I can access the migration page from the process definition page
  • [CAM-5460] - I can access the migration page from the process instance page
  • [CAM-5462] - Multiple process engines can share Mybatis SqlSessionFactory
  • [CAM-5467] - I can set a CaseRef on a Call Activity using the Model API
  • [CAM-5475] - I can see the number of instances per activity in migration source definition
  • [CAM-5480] - I can migrate process instances with event subprocesses
  • [CAM-5512] - I can define simple camunda in/out for call activities using fluent builder
  • [CAM-5514] - Called process instance inherits tenant id from super process instance if null
  • [CAM-5523] - In Cockpit, I can search for process instances with incident and incident message (=/like)
  • [CAM-5527] - Restrict migration between tenants
  • [CAM-5528] - I can tag a process definition with a human understandable version
  • [CAM-5529] - Provide a SPI for the Propagation of the Tenant-Id of a Case Instance
  • [CAM-5530] - Provide a SPI for the Propagation of the Tenant-Id of a Historic Decision Instance
  • [CAM-5546] - Add keyboard shortcuts for tasklist
  • [CAM-5557] - I can migrate any number of process instances asynchronously
  • [CAM-5560] - I can define a batch priority
  • [CAM-5561] - I can retrieve a report on how many instances of a batch have already been processed
  • [CAM-5563] - I can provide a process instance query filter when creating a migration batch
  • [CAM-5569] - Using the fluent builder, I can create an inclusive gateway
  • [CAM-5570] - Add plugin point for cockpit decision definition table
  • [CAM-5576] - I can create camunda form field element with the fluent model API
  • [CAM-5583] - Log process engine close operation
  • [CAM-5586] - I can find Process Instances without Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5590] - I can migrate a process instance with compensation event subscriptions
  • [CAM-5610] - I can migrate instances of parallel/inclusive gateways
  • [CAM-5619] - I can find Tasks without Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5620] - I can use a Tenant Id Criteria for a Filter
  • [CAM-5625] - I can read documentation on Batch and Batch Migration
  • [CAM-5631] - I can execute a batch migration using the REST API
  • [CAM-5632] - In tasklist, I can reference a form from a deployment
  • [CAM-5633] - Authorizations for Migration API
  • [CAM-5650] - I can Suspend and Activate Process Instances by Process Definition Key and Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5661] - I can set the authenticated Tenant Ids
  • [CAM-5662] - I can only query Process Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5665] - In Admin, I can grant TASK_ASSIGN and TASK_WORK permissions
  • [CAM-5674] - I can filter instances with query for migration
  • [CAM-5675] - I can create a migration plan in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5682] - In cockpit, I can see the semantic version of a process
  • [CAM-5683] - Document new cockpit plugin points
  • [CAM-5700] - I can query for historic batches by state and order by time
  • [CAM-5711] - A Decision Task evaluate a Decision Definition from the same Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5720] - Generate migration instructions between all matching async activities
  • [CAM-5723] - I can query and sort External Tasks by Priority
  • [CAM-5727] - I can declare a history level at a test method when using the Process Engine Rule
  • [CAM-5728] - I can migrate a process instance which waits in an intermediate signal event
  • [CAM-5732] - I can use the REST API for querying Historic identity links
  • [CAM-5733] - I can migrate multi-instance activities with the UI
  • [CAM-5734] - I can link source and target diagram for migration
  • [CAM-5741] - I can only query Deployments and Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5742] - I can only query Runtime Data which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5743] - I can only query Management Data which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5744] - I can only query Historic Data which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5745] - I can only update the Suspension State of Data which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5746] - I can only create Instances of Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5747] - I can only evaluate Decision Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5748] - I can only call Process / Case Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5749] - I can only correlate a Message to Executions and Process Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5750] - I can only send a Signal to Executions and Process Definitions which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5751] - Using a Filter, I can only find Tasks which belongs to the authenticated Tenants
  • [CAM-5752] - Set the authenticated Tenants based on the authenticated User
  • [CAM-5753] - I can create a new Tenant
  • [CAM-5754] - I can assign Users and Groups to Tenants
  • [CAM-5755] - I can create a new Tenant in Admin
  • [CAM-5756] - I can assigne a User or Group to a Tenant in Admin
  • [CAM-5757] - I can disable the Tenant Check for a Command
  • [CAM-5758] - As Admin, I can access data from all tenants
  • [CAM-5759] - Perform Tenant Checks for Job Executor
  • [CAM-5767] - I can use camunda:taskPriority in model api
  • [CAM-5768] - I can set camunda:taskPriority on process tag
  • [CAM-5769] - I can query Historic Identity Links by Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5776] - I am not able to migrate processes with active compensation or compensation event subscriptions
  • [CAM-5777] - I can create error, escalation, and compensate start events using the fluent builder
  • [CAM-5778] - I can see batches in cockpit
  • [CAM-5784] - Using the fluent builder, I can create non-interrupting start events
  • [CAM-5786] - I can start a migration asynchronously in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5787] - Add tenant check for cockpit plugins
  • [CAM-5793] - I can only access Process Instances which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5794] - I can only migrate a Process Instances which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5796] - I can only access Deployments which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5797] - I can only access Definitions which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5798] - I can only access Case Instances which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5799] - I can only access Tasks which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5800] - I can only access External Tasks which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5801] - I can only access Jobs and Job Definitions which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5802] - I can only access Historic Data which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5810] - The state of a batch is updated live in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5820] - I can validate a migration plan using the REST API
  • [CAM-5821] - I can delete and retry failed batch jobs in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5822] - Show detailed error reporting for failed migrations
  • [CAM-5823] - I can migrate an intermediate event such that the event trigger is updated
  • [CAM-5833] - I can access the migration page from process history pages
  • [CAM-5842] - I can use transactions in the model api
  • [CAM-5853] - I can migrate all instances in filter in cockpit
  • [CAM-5859] - I can see the progress of a batch in cockpit
  • [CAM-5865] - I can query for process instances by active activity ids
  • [CAM-5876] - Using the LDAP Plugin, I cannot find any Tenant
  • [CAM-5879] - Using the Rest API, I can search for process instances with incident and incident message
  • [CAM-5880] - I can search for historic process instances with incident & incident message
  • [CAM-5881] - I can delete a job using the REST API
  • [CAM-5885] - I can use a fluent builder to create compensate events
  • [CAM-5890] - The process definition id of a migrated process instance is updated in history
  • [CAM-5891] - When an activity instance is migrated, the process definition id&key are updated in history
  • [CAM-5892] - When a task instance is migrated the Process Definition Id / Key are updated in history
  • [CAM-5893] - When a variable instance is migrated the Process Definition Id / Key are updated in history
  • [CAM-5894] - When an incident is migrated the Process Definition Id / Key are updated in history
  • [CAM-5898] - I can create MIGRATE_INSTANCE permission in Admin
  • [CAM-5920] - On Cockpit Dashboard I can directly navigate to a list of PIs with incidents
  • [CAM-5929] - I can only create migration plans for process definitions that belong to my tenants
  • [CAM-5930] - I can suspend/activate a batch and all of its jobs
  • [CAM-5935] - I can only see Historic Data in Process Instance Report which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5942] - Draw mapping arrow on migration page
  • [CAM-5963] - I can create a Task for a Tenant in Tasklist
  • [CAM-5965] - I can create authorizations in Admin for the Batch resource
  • [CAM-5977] - I can suspend/activate a batch using cockpit
  • [CAM-5979] - I can only access Forms which belongs to an authenticated Tenant
  • [CAM-5986] - Convenience method for migrating a before-known set of process instances
  • [CAM-5988] - Add tenant check for EE cockpit plugins
  • [CAM-6017] - I can configure whether the process engine performs REVOKE auth checks
  • [CAM-6033] - When User/groups are added to a tenant READ authorization is granted
  • [CAM-6034] - As Admin user, I can create authorizations for tenants
  • [CAM-6056] - I can select process instances by activity id in migration view


  • [CAM-3107] - Remove mocks from camunda BPM SDK JS
  • [CAM-3635] - take screenshots of ui tests
  • [CAM-3709] - Support for Wildfly 10
  • [CAM-3813] - Running Engine Testsuite takes a long time, makes Devs less productive
  • [CAM-4133] - JAX-RS runtimes interfere with each other during test execution
  • [CAM-4415] - I can read docs for how to configure retry job command
  • [CAM-4445] - License in documentation source code
  • [CAM-4735] - Refactor frontend dependency management and build
  • [CAM-4812] - "On this page" does not scroll
  • [CAM-4854] - Review promises support PR in JS SDK
  • [CAM-4913] - Add support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c R2 (12.2.1)
  • [CAM-4974] - Update engine-rest CI builds
  • [CAM-5027] - Document jobExecutorActivate in deployment descriptors
  • [CAM-5044] - Add indexes to SQL CREATE script for ACT_HI_OP_LOG
  • [CAM-5053] - remove invoice.png from invoice demo
  • [CAM-5071] - Readability Improvement: shorten incident message
  • [CAM-5085] - Migrate version-specific platform code to 7.5
  • [CAM-5095] - I can read how to use Java Config for Spring Application
  • [CAM-5099] - Update Jackson version to 2.6.3
  • [CAM-5100] - UI Prototype for simple process instance duration report
  • [CAM-5113] - Retry Checkbox should be pre-filled to save one klick
  • [CAM-5134] - I can read documentation how to disable authorization checks when using ldap plugin
  • [CAM-5141] - Add cast to integer in myBatis mapping for db2 z/os
  • [CAM-5172] - docs search not working properly
  • [CAM-5173] - Replace screenshot in WebSphere installation guide
  • [CAM-5176] - Improve Enterprise docs
  • [CAM-5184] - Update Rest API Jackson Dependency to 2.6.3
  • [CAM-5209] - Create a Multi-Tenancy Example
  • [CAM-5222] - Provide Application Server specific boilerplate in update guides for 7.4->7.5
  • [CAM-5233] - Create a Multi-Tenancy Example with Shared Process Definitions
  • [CAM-5240] - I can use a Builder to Start a Process Instance by Id / Key on RuntimeService
  • [CAM-5241] - I can use a Builder to Create a Case Instance on CaseService
  • [CAM-5258] - Fix WebLogic 12R2 webapps integration tests
  • [CAM-5265] - Normalize less/css scaffolding across webapps
  • [CAM-5269] - Automatically install chrome webdriver for e2e testing
  • [CAM-5274] - Remove application server specific classes from integration-test-engine test-jar
  • [CAM-5277] - Camunda dependencies declared in package.json in frontend projects contain wrong version numbers
  • [CAM-5280] - Create focused example for PA-local data format
  • [CAM-5283] - move webapp tests to own repository
  • [CAM-5285] - I can read about Output Variable Mapping while Error Propagation
  • [CAM-5286] - Add the Tenant Id to the ERD
  • [CAM-5287] - Reduce the Length of the Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5288] - EE should build webapps itself
  • [CAM-5289] - I can build plugins using commonjs
  • [CAM-5290] - All plugins are build automatically
  • [CAM-5296] - Improve styling of Report View
  • [CAM-5298] - Frontend union
  • [CAM-5320] - Release Spin 1.3.0-alpha1
  • [CAM-5337] - Improve startform of invoice process
  • [CAM-5344] - Document SLF4J Websphere bug
  • [CAM-5349] - Release Camunda Connect 1.0.3 and update connect version in platform
  • [CAM-5362] - UI for Navs
  • [CAM-5366] - Update tutorial how to develop a Cockpit plugin
  • [CAM-5367] - Move webapps specific styles to webapp project
  • [CAM-5369] - Active / Selection in webapp's 3-column-layout
  • [CAM-5370] - Remove Environments from 7.5 CI
  • [CAM-5374] - Proofread and correct Admin section
  • [CAM-5375] - Explicitely expose moment from commons-ui
  • [CAM-5377] - Improve display of long string variables in variable tables
  • [CAM-5391] - Update tabs styling
  • [CAM-5392] - Update form fields styling
  • [CAM-5395] - I can use a Builder to Start a Process Instance by Message on RuntimeService
  • [CAM-5397] - Create DB Query Performance Testsuite
  • [CAM-5408] - Rename Method to Start a Process Instance by Key with Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5416] - Add Tenant Id to remaining DB Tables
  • [CAM-5417] - Investigate more efficient approach for auth checks
  • [CAM-5418] - Check if all created indexes are dropped
  • [CAM-5422] - Upgrade bpmn-js to latest version
  • [CAM-5423] - Header
  • [CAM-5426] - Always show report title
  • [CAM-5430] - Deploy second version of invoice example to show case migration
  • [CAM-5452] - Implement efficient authorization check usable if no REVOKE auths exists
  • [CAM-5453] - Improve docs on authorization
  • [CAM-5456] - Integrate Migration Docs Feedback
  • [CAM-5457] - Investigate: possibility for multiple process engines to share SqlSessionFactory
  • [CAM-5458] - Improve styles of Cockpit instance migration
  • [CAM-5471] - Proofread and correct Cockpit section
  • [CAM-5474] - Use check mark for mapped migration activities
  • [CAM-5482] - Write alpha2 blog post
  • [CAM-5483] - Add immediate Feedback to Heatmap
  • [CAM-5497] - Refactor Migration Test Suite
  • [CAM-5498] - Refactor parsing of MigratingProcessInstance
  • [CAM-5504] - Update Screenshots on welcome page with final design
  • [CAM-5513] - Completely hide tabs if they have only 1 item
  • [CAM-5516] - I can read docs about how to use Multi Tenancy with shared resources
  • [CAM-5533] - Change tasklist column control buttons
  • [CAM-5537] - Proofread and correct Tasklist section
  • [CAM-5545] - Improve focus management in Tasklist
  • [CAM-5549] - Position and style of icons in webapps
  • [CAM-5556] - Prevent the task list filters to scroll
  • [CAM-5565] - Proofread and correct Cycle section
  • [CAM-5566] - Fix Shrinkwrap class loading error in Engine-IT suite
  • [CAM-5567] - Document how to add GitHub connector in Cycle
  • [CAM-5573] - Fix instance migration job for 7.5
  • [CAM-5584] - Align maven group ids of webapp-standalone distros
  • [CAM-5593] - Update tabs styles
  • [CAM-5594] - Run integration tests on wildfly 10
  • [CAM-5595] - Run subsystem unit tests against wildfly 10
  • [CAM-5596] - I can configure threads in the the camunda wildfly subsystem
  • [CAM-5597] - I can read an upgrade guide for wildfly 8
  • [CAM-5598] - I can download the wildfly 10 CE and EE distributions
  • [CAM-5599] - I can read an installation guide how to install camunda subsystem on wildfly 10
  • [CAM-5600] - Add wildfly 10 to list of supported environments
  • [CAM-5601] - Review module dependencies in wildfly 10
  • [CAM-5611] - Change Naming of Deployments with no Source in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5612] - Apply vertical highlight (strokes) styles everywhere
  • [CAM-5613] - Rework Tasklist Designs
  • [CAM-5614] - Write Blogpost on the new Tasklist design
  • [CAM-5616] - Run rest api testsuite against WLS 12R2's Jersey Version
  • [CAM-5622] - Batch access is restricted to tenant of the source process definition
  • [CAM-5628] - Align Cycle screenshots with 3.1.0
  • [CAM-5637] - Make it easy to reuse mybatis config properties
  • [CAM-5638] - Rework admin design
  • [CAM-5641] - Fix Shrinkwrap class loading error in Platform EE Engine-IT suite
  • [CAM-5642] - Investigate failing Wildfly 10 Domain mode replication
  • [CAM-5643] - Investigate Webapp Problems on WebLogic12R2
  • [CAM-5644] - Improve Cockpit Information Panels
  • [CAM-5647] - Active section style in header
  • [CAM-5649] - Document migration steps for webapp plugins
  • [CAM-5654] - Restructure cockpit sections and dashboard
  • [CAM-5657] - Provide sources for ee plugins on NEXUS
  • [CAM-5659] - Investigate randomly failing Wildfly 10 Webapp-IT
  • [CAM-5663] - Update path of webapp projects in documentation
  • [CAM-5671] - Proofread and correct Process Engine section in User Guide
  • [CAM-5673] - Use pageflow for process instance migration
  • [CAM-5684] - Valify Migration Pageflow in Cockpit
  • [CAM-5685] - Align Cockpit toolbars
  • [CAM-5689] - Add migration placeholder plugin on processes dashboard
  • [CAM-5693] - Align Cockpit screenshots with 7.5.0
  • [CAM-5695] - DMN table style refresh
  • [CAM-5697] - Cockpit dashboard styling
  • [CAM-5703] - Dialog and popup shadows
  • [CAM-5708] - Align Tasklist screenshots with 7.5.0
  • [CAM-5709] - Align Admin screenshots with 7.5.0
  • [CAM-5713] - Fix test memory and connection errors
  • [CAM-5716] - Align getting started guide screenshots with 7.5.0
  • [CAM-5724] - Adjust example diagram in PI Modification section
  • [CAM-5737] - Refactor Wildfly subsystem to be compatible with WF8/10
  • [CAM-5739] - Separate Tenant Check from Authorization
  • [CAM-5770] - HistoricIdentityLinkLogQuery uses authorizations
  • [CAM-5771] - Improve styling of reports overview screen
  • [CAM-5773] - Update Database section in Userguide
  • [CAM-5774] - Example for migration after deployment
  • [CAM-5775] - I can use one button to migrate instances
  • [CAM-5779] - Document new cockpit dashboard plugin points
  • [CAM-5805] - Add helptexts for Cockpit Migration Mapping
  • [CAM-5807] - Hide "select instances" dropdown in modification when not relevant
  • [CAM-5808] - Combine Authentication and Tenant Check for Commands
  • [CAM-5811] - Highlight batch that is currently selected
  • [CAM-5814] - ensure that we are patch ready for 7.5
  • [CAM-5815] - ensure that 7.6 can be developed
  • [CAM-5819] - Style Searchs and Filters
  • [CAM-5824] - Improve feedback when interacting with migration diagrams
  • [CAM-5828] - Improve docs on license key
  • [CAM-5832] - Upgrade dmn-js to latest version
  • [CAM-5837] - Describe migration resource request body properly
  • [CAM-5838] - Bpmn Renderes on migration mapping page should use available height
  • [CAM-5840] - Improve UI feedback for finished batch jobs
  • [CAM-5841] - I can see migration plan validation errors in the mapping view
  • [CAM-5843] - I can enter mapping mode by clicking on an arrow button
  • [CAM-5844] - I can click on a mapping badge for inspection and configuraiton
  • [CAM-5845] - I can confirm migration with a single button
  • [CAM-5851] - I can choose between Wildfly 8 and 10 in the EE site download menu for 7.5
  • [CAM-5852] - Verify if AdditionalFlowScopeActivityInstanceValidator can be validated during design time
  • [CAM-5854] - Document behavior with GRANT and REVOKE on same resource
  • [CAM-5858] - Authorizations for Batch API
  • [CAM-5860] - Run Karma tests on Jenkins
  • [CAM-5863] - Upgrade PhantomJS Prebuilt dependency
  • [CAM-5866] - Adjust default authorizations for task actions
  • [CAM-5867] - Update Migration Exception REST docs
  • [CAM-5868] - Document autoStoreScriptVariables is not supported for jRuby
  • [CAM-5872] - Glassfish End of Support
  • [CAM-5874] - Improve reproducability of test order run on Jenkins
  • [CAM-5883] - Release projects like commons, spin etc for 7.5 release
  • [CAM-5886] - Update DMN Screenshots in Camunda Modeler docs
  • [CAM-5896] - Add Camunda Modeler demo screencast to docs
  • [CAM-5899] - Make tests for migration rest service request bodies more robust
  • [CAM-5905] - Migration should be a subsection of "Processes" in Breadcrumb
  • [CAM-5906] - Uniform Toolbar and breadcrumbs in Admin
  • [CAM-5908] - Sidebar and Tabs regions in Cockpit Process and Definition pages
  • [CAM-5909] - Link to migration section in cockpit
  • [CAM-5910] - Link to Reports in Process Definition page
  • [CAM-5911] - Migration Section Styling
  • [CAM-5912] - Batch Section Styling
  • [CAM-5915] - Change the batch progress bar to percent or similar
  • [CAM-5919] - Admin Dashboard
  • [CAM-5921] - Minor UI changes in Admin
  • [CAM-5928] - Extend the Multi-Tenancy Schema Isolation Example for asynchronous Continuation
  • [CAM-5931] - Adjust default batch settings
  • [CAM-5932] - Hide reports links when no report plugins are available
  • [CAM-5938] - Migration Pageflow styling
  • [CAM-5939] - Only show Update Event Trigger button for events
  • [CAM-5941] - Document new admin dashboard plugin points
  • [CAM-5947] - Rename "Observe Progress" in "Results"
  • [CAM-5948] - Buttons for linking diagrams and showing mappings in migraiton view
  • [CAM-5954] - I can customize webapp user styles (logo, ...)
  • [CAM-5956] - Getting started guides mention Java JDK requirements
  • [CAM-5957] - I can read documentation on how to migrate process instances in cockpit
  • [CAM-5960] - Check if cache busting is still working
  • [CAM-5961] - Update Multi tenancy docs in user guide
  • [CAM-5967] - Remove hint "works with Spring" in CDI and Java EE Integration section
  • [CAM-5969] - Improve license key page styling in admin
  • [CAM-5970] - Adjust and migrate Getting Started guides for 7.5
  • [CAM-5971] - Adjust and migrate Examples for 7.5
  • [CAM-5972] - Write 7.5 Release Blogpost
  • [CAM-5973] - I can read an update guide for 7.5
  • [CAM-5974] - Perform the 7.5 release
  • [CAM-5975] - I can read docs on reporting in cockpit
  • [CAM-5982] - Camunda admin group receives all access privileges for tenants, tenant memberships, and batches
  • [CAM-5991] - Document Object type variables and potential classloading problems after migration
  • [CAM-5993] - Add test profile to test engine unit with a table prefix
  • [CAM-5997] - Improve layout of authorization view when editing/adding an authorization
  • [CAM-5998] - Run engine testsuite with profile cfgAuthorizationCheckRevokesAlways
  • [CAM-5999] - Run webapp plugin tests with profile cfgAuthorizationCheckRevokesAlways
  • [CAM-6000] - Adjust the Multi-Tenancy Examples
  • [CAM-6007] - Decision definitions should be sorted
  • [CAM-6015] - Create legacy auth check test profiles in webapp and webapp-ee
  • [CAM-6016] - Write some more / improve query performance tests
  • [CAM-6020] - Integrate JBoss EAP 7 into QA
  • [CAM-6024] - Display "0" instead of "No" on dashboards
  • [CAM-6027] - Write tests ensuring distinct results with multiple matching READ authorizations
  • [CAM-6032] - Improve Performance for diagram move actions
  • [CAM-6046] - Apply new docs layout to 7.4
  • [CAM-6047] - Release the 7.5 Docs
  • [CAM-6048] - Trigger 7.5 Release Build
  • [CAM-6049] - Release Community Download Page
  • [CAM-6050] - Release Enterprise Download Page
  • [CAM-6051] - Additions to documentation for Hit Policies
  • [CAM-6052] - Add reports plugin point to docs
  • [CAM-6055] - Tested version of H2 is used in Wildfly
  • [CAM-6061] - Deadlocks with Wildfly, H2 and JobExecution
  • [CAM-6066] - Revise migration docs
  • [CAM-6067] - Test standalone webapps
  • [CAM-6069] - Clarify when exclusive jobs are acquired and executed
  • [CAM-6070] - Adjust default filter color
  • [CAM-6071] - Update CMMN Modeling in CMMN Getting Started
  • [CAM-6075] - Make migration validation error message more comprehensible to end user
  • [CAM-6079] - Relocate DMN engine BOM to Getting Started
  • [CAM-6080] - Update Screenshots of Camunda Modeler in Get Started Guides
  • [CAM-6085] - Weird "Save" link in reports in cockpit
  • [CAM-6094] - Make explicit that cockpit plugins might need to be migrated with minor updates
  • [CAM-6095] - Update tasklist translation files and documentation
  • [CAM-6105] - Add close on exit flag to h2 in memory for standalone webapps
  • [CAM-6110] - Set history level in standalone Webapp to full
  • [CAM-6112] - Improve tasklist screenshots
  • [CAM-6118] - Stage new version of the docs
  • [CAM-6122] - I can read documentation on how to view batches in cockpit
  • [CAM-6123] - Restructure Cockpit docs
  • [CAM-6124] - Emphasize that migration instructions are supposed to map semantically equivalent activities
  • [CAM-6136] - Update German Tasklist Translation
  • [CAM-6137] - Update Dutch Tasklist Translation
  • [CAM-6138] - Update Polish Tasklist Translation
  • [CAM-6142] - Add Out of Support note to Glassfish migration guide
  • [CAM-6167] - Make all screenshots on consistent
  • [CAM-6200] - Specify DB clustering & replication requirements in Supported Environments
  • [CAM-6207] - Improve formatting of WildFly and JBoss in docs
  • [CAM-6209] - Add community extension "Camunda Process Test Coverage" to docs
  • [CAM-6255] - I can read docs about how to configure TenantIdProvider for a Shared Process Engine
  • [CAM-6264] - Add Spring Boot and Mail extension to the docs
  • [CAM-6266] - Add test coverage extension to docs index page
  • [CAM-6331] - Document Optimistic Locking Behavior in Engine
  • [CAM-6354] - Draw all diagrams in Tutorials with Camunda Modeler
  • [CAM-6400] - Improve documentation of acquirable jobs
  • [CAM-6476] - Update isScanForProcessDefinitions property description in processes.xml documentation
  • [CAM-6536] - Add note that Process Instance Modification is not supported inside the same Instance
  • [CAM-6724] - Improve "Implement Custom Incident Handlers" documention
  • [CAM-6734] - Document integer representation of resource types
  • [CAM-7092] - Rename Weblogic to WebLogic in docs
  • [CAM-7229] - zalando/camunda-cockpit-client is listed in Community Extensions
  • [CAM-7384] - Docs use new Header
  • [CAM-7465] - Remove businesskey from list of constraints for output mapping
  • [CAM-7471] - fix formatting in forms reference
  • [CAM-7481] - Add how to create a Custom Connector
  • [CAM-7897] - Remove misleading sentence from docs
  • [CAM-8022] - Remove zalando/camunda-cockpit-client from Community Extension list
  • [CAM-8093] - improve supported environments for db clusters
  • [CAM-8132] - Add Google Tag Manager to
  • [CAM-8649] - Document installation options from

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