Design Task
- [OPT-3567] - Real multi select
Security Report
- [OPT-3249] - Spike: potential Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
Bug Report
- [OPT-2218] - Incomplete reports are evaluated
- [OPT-3055] - Grammar Mistakes in German Translation
- [OPT-3172] - Optimize import bloats up the engine cache
- [OPT-3261] - Handle exceptions from the engine when fetching Authorizations
- [OPT-3460] - Permission users list - allow in modal scrolling
- [OPT-3498] - I can execute destructive actions on user task reports without reassurance modal
- [OPT-3501] - Can't close the enity list search item with escape
- [OPT-3505] - Suspend state is not imported via userOperationsLog
- [OPT-3506] - I can adjust the log level of the upgrade
- [OPT-3513] - Custom Axis Labels in Chart Reports not stored
- [OPT-3515] - ProcessInstanceStart & End event don't have unique activityInstanceIds
- [OPT-3518] - Failed Websocket causes camunda status to be missing
- [OPT-3532] - Cannot add date variable filter with null / undefined
- [OPT-3534] - Variables option becomes disabled after saving the report
- [OPT-3545] - Java version related errors in the ReportsGenerator
- [OPT-3555] - Collection Authorization inconsistencies with LDAP authentication in CAM BPM
- [OPT-3556] - Show the error cause when report cannot be saved
- [OPT-3559] - Optimize does not show variables with dots in its name in the raw data table
- [OPT-3582] - Heatmap crashes when changing process definition
- [OPT-3583] - Engine configured to not import still imports
- [OPT-3593] - Email not configured warn log on webhook alert
- [OPT-3595] - Group by date variable fails with a 500 if there is no data
- [OPT-3596] - Bad Response time for definition endpoint on multi-engine scenario
- [OPT-3603] - Event Mapping Cleanup cleans up all camunda activity event mappings
- [OPT-3611] - Failed Camunda Optimize upgrade to 3.0.0
- [OPT-3613] - Process parts does not work for large data
- [OPT-3619] - Table is broken in dark mode
- [OPT-3620] - Upgrade to 3.0.0 fails under some circumstances
- [OPT-3635] - No Redirect to license page on expired license
- [OPT-3638] - Raw Data Report variable column excludes from Optimize 2.7.0<= get lost after 3.0.0 upgrade
- [OPT-3640] - CSV Exports use ' as escape character instead of "
- [OPT-3652] - Raw Data Table Header is not translated
- [OPT-3667] - Version is not selected when editing a camunda event
- [OPT-3714] - Last column in a table report is not aligned
- [OPT-3715] - Missing Border at Details Button in Outlier Analysis Popup
- [OPT-3749] - Group By FlowNode reports lacks result on shared definition and tenant subset
- [OPT-3753] - The reset button for alert webhook is not working
- [OPT-3757] - Confusing date range filter behaviour for charts
- [OPT-3766] - Invalid link when sharing empty reports
- [OPT-3777] - Report Changes not Saved at Logout when Report has Dependencies
- [OPT-3778] - Dashboard is reevaluated on name change
- [OPT-3813] - Modeler Palette in Event Based Processes doesnt show up on Safari
- [OPT-3820] - `/api/eventBasedProcess` call is done as absolute path instead of relative
- [OPT-3849] - Outlier Duration in chart is in ms instead of formatted nicely (tooltip)
- [OPT-3856] - Wrong scaling of horizontal axis when Group By Start Date Automatic
- [OPT-3865] - Handle duplicate storage of process instance user tasks
- [OPT-3869] - Resolve potential duplicate key exceptions from process instance upserts
- [OPT-3874] - Limit Precision does not work correctly for negative numbers
- [OPT-3875] - table rows shift incorrectly when opening the instance count panel
- [OPT-3900] - Evaluating a full report configuration object fails with a 403
- [OPT-3920] - Process Part does not work across multiple shards
- [OPT-3924] - Model Response for version `latest` is cached
- [OPT-3926] - ResizeObserver can cause e2e failure
- [OPT-3931] - SSL/TLS configuration expects wrong yaml string
- [OPT-3942] - Cannot evaluate running date report with running instances filter
- [OPT-3948] - Dashboard DateFilter not correctly reset when clicking "Reset All"
- [OPT-3949] - Report popover is truncated by dashboard layout container
- [OPT-3954] - Report Title is truncated too early and cannot be read
- [OPT-3960] - Combined report instanceCount when no report is selected
- [OPT-3961] - Relative values are shown as NAN for empty combined report
- [OPT-3969] - Configuration popover in combined report get truncated by parent container
- [OPT-3971] - Error loading event trace states where group is null
- [OPT-3972] - Upgrade index exists check fails for many instances being present
- [OPT-3975] - Date Filter is adjusted to timezone difference every time modal is closed
- [OPT-3976] - Upgrade of event process instance index fails
- [OPT-3977] - Regression: Fixed Date filter do not include last day
- [OPT-3980] - NaN in userTask distributed by bar chart
- [OPT-3981] - Can't add variable filter to dashboards with extneral reports
- [OPT-3993] - `process-instance` read only alias is missing after upgrade of event process instance indices
Feature Request
- [OPT-1343] - I can see the duration across multiple process definitions
- [OPT-2270] - Combined Single Number Reports all reports show 100%
- [OPT-2466] - Show relative value for combined reports
- [OPT-2558] - I can filter by rolling date on date variables
- [OPT-2589] - Filter option to include or exclude process instances with undefined/null values among other values
- [OPT-2747] - Filter out null/undefined variables
- [OPT-2835] - Running instance count / time period
- [OPT-2977] - businessKey Anonymization
- [OPT-3085] - Allow SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX/MEDIAN on number process variables for single number report
- [OPT-3086] - Allow configuring bucket for date variables
- [OPT-3089] - Auto-generate processes based on events
- [OPT-3165] - Simplify alert creation
- [OPT-3202] - Allow filtering on Dashboard level across multiple reports
- [OPT-3259] - Ignore timezone shifts for histogram labels
- [OPT-3274] - History Cleanup of Event Based Process data
- [OPT-3284] - Raw Data for Outlier Analysis
- [OPT-3289] - UserTask group by start/end date & distributed by assignee/candidate group
- [OPT-3290] - Allow filtering on assignees & candidate groups
- [OPT-3331] - UserTask/Flow Node Duration Filter
- [OPT-3351] - View report configuration in View Mode (also in shared reports/dashboards)
- [OPT-3358] - Allow viewing report configuration in view mode (esp. on shared Dashboards)
- [OPT-3461] - Show Last Modified Tag for Event Based Processes Reports
- [OPT-3487] - It's possible to see the raw data and process modal for all reports
- [OPT-3488] - Show basic data set information for every report
- [OPT-3489] - Report Quick Start Templates
- [OPT-3491] - Allow creating alerts from report view
- [OPT-3492] - Configure custom buckets for grouping by Number and Date Variables
- [OPT-3705] - Running instance reports should be combinable with start/end date reports
- [OPT-3848] - I can see a loading indicator in outlier analysis
- [OPT-3873] - Improve Limit Precision for numbers larger than millions
- [OPT-1852] - Test upgrade with secured ES instance
- [OPT-2027] - Prevent repeatily reimport of engine data
- [OPT-2237] - Document CSV export
- [OPT-2247] - Find a sane way to deal with z-index
- [OPT-2410] - On report evaluation reponses != 200 show an error to the user
- [OPT-2514] - Remove prefix from process varible name endpoint
- [OPT-2528] - Make use of the dmn generator in all dmn tests
- [OPT-2917] - Unexpected Behavior when logging out with unsaved changes
- [OPT-2945] - Add errorCode for invalid Key case
- [OPT-2992] - Test adjacent system failure using a configurable proxy
- [OPT-3022] - Add CamBPM 7.13.0 as new latest version
- [OPT-3035] - Add backing off for Event import mediators
- [OPT-3071] - Create ingestion Connector samples
- [OPT-3184] - Optimize DataGenerator should generate decision reports
- [OPT-3193] - Remove 2.7.1 data generator usage from upgrade-optimize-data module
- [OPT-3222] - Switch the names of the rolling/relative date filters
- [OPT-3240] - Fail on exceptions from Engine requests properly
- [OPT-3253] - Reduce the number of bulk ES requests during import
- [OPT-3314] - Create Optimize docker tests
- [OPT-3324] - Refactoring of Import setup
- [OPT-3327] - Use generated datasets in all nightly performance test pipelines
- [OPT-3334] - Update react-table to the latest version
- [OPT-3335] - Refactor EventProcessInstanceImportMediatorManager dependencies
- [OPT-3338] - Clean up padding on main element
- [OPT-3376] - Utilize Camunda Activity Sequence counters for ordering camunda activity events
- [OPT-3408] - Version cleanup follow up
- [OPT-3411] - Do proper generics declaration in the ElasticsearchHelper
- [OPT-3417] - Use Bearer scheme on the CloudEvents API
- [OPT-3429] - Update & refactor react-table
- [OPT-3447] - Reject eventBased process Definitions as event source for another event based process
- [OPT-3454] - Convert definition composite-aggregation performance tests to functional tests
- [OPT-3462] - Make sure events after event based gateways have the correct durations
- [OPT-3469] - Weird errors during integration test (IT) execution
- [OPT-3472] - Evaluate all elasticsearch aggregations prone to hitting bucket size limit
- [OPT-3482] - Refactor how we set the user task duration time in the TemplatedProcessReportDataBuilder
- [OPT-3517] - Improve Table UI
- [OPT-3526] - Remove the unused and incorrectly mapped activityInstanceId from FlowNodeEventDtos
- [OPT-3529] - Dynamically create decision filters in the ReportsGenerator
- [OPT-3530] - Document history cleanup effects on Optimize
- [OPT-3531] - Rename rolling data upgrade step in the jenkins build
- [OPT-3535] - Update the XML field in the report configuration for all affected reports once a event-based process diagram is changed
- [OPT-3558] - Allow to adjust the limit of nested objects in elasticsearch indexes of Optimize
- [OPT-3562] - Grant more authorizations for users during data generation
- [OPT-3563] - Extend Reimport to cover Camunda events and related indices
- [OPT-3564] - DataGeneration jenkins job is not using current branch module dependencies
- [OPT-3565] - Resolve query performance test instability with ES 7.0.0-7.2.x
- [OPT-3568] - Add documentation on required user permissions
- [OPT-3581] - Resolve Elasticsearch deprecation warnings
- [OPT-3597] - Adjust searchlimit to new identity auth filter
- [OPT-3602] - Improve plugin documentation
- [OPT-3607] - Update Engine version used in compatibility tests
- [OPT-3622] - Migrate common variables csv export to new API
- [OPT-3639] - Remove 2.7 - 3.0 upgrade classes/tests
- [OPT-3641] - Write security announcement for security headers
- [OPT-3642] - Secure cookie flag should always be added to the Optimize Auth cookie for https connections
- [OPT-3650] - Root-cause missing activityInstances in nightly importPerformanceTest
- [OPT-3651] - Deduplicate eventTrace events on write
- [OPT-3654] - Increase versions checked in EngineVersionCheckerTest
- [OPT-3659] - Fix Failing Cluster Test Job
- [OPT-3683] - Split Definitions grouped by version and tenant into dedicated endpoints
- [OPT-3722] - Automate release branch creation
- [OPT-3735] - Clean up constant classes
- [OPT-3755] - Warning about JAXBContext implementation upon starting Optimize
- [OPT-3756] - Inaccurate description in assignee filter modal
- [OPT-3795] - Extract Engine importing in tests to AbstractIT methods
- [OPT-3797] - Add Combined Report result IT
- [OPT-3798] - Setup a nightly sonarqube analysis
- [OPT-3799] - Update engine version to 7.13.0 release
- [OPT-3811] - Document Suspension Filter & Limitations
- [OPT-3812] - Update Entitylist heading inside modals
- [OPT-3825] - Increase engine version for compatibility tests
- [OPT-3857] - Adjust supported engines in EngineVersionChecker
- [OPT-3863] - Improve Keyboard Navigation for Date Picker
- [OPT-3867] - Remove deprecated es.clusterName configuration field from installation docs
- [OPT-3871] - Adjust data migration script to use the archived data generator for previous version
- [OPT-3872] - Add error handling to outlier analysis
- [OPT-3886] - Push master build docker image to team docker repository
- [OPT-3892] - Extend the data generator of the data upgrade migration tests to create event process data
- [OPT-3894] - disable table resizeObserver for older browsers
- [OPT-3896] - Disallow median aggregations for process part reports
- [OPT-3913] - Create DMNDiagram component for displaying DMNs
- [OPT-3919] - Create e2e tests for raw data and process modal for reports
- [OPT-3932] - update right spacing for entities to 40px
- [OPT-3934] - Add to the documentation that the Elasticsearch community version is supported as well
- [OPT-3939] - Improve handling of running instances in endDate reports
- [OPT-3941] - Reindex every index with the Upgrade 3.0 to 3.1 to consistently update anaylsis settings
- [OPT-3958] - Consolidate test helper function like flushPromises or runLastEffect
- [OPT-3959] - Show Start/EndDate reports as available combinations for RunningDate reports
- [OPT-3984] - Improve assignee/candidateGroup filter documentation
- [OPT-3986] - Remove environment variable placeholders from environment-config.yaml
Bug Part
- [OPT-3826] - Fix issue with ID generation during process autogeneration
- [OPT-3840] - tenants for versions endpoint returns a 403 on an empty version list in the request
- [OPT-3842] - Start/End mapped events can't be edited in count view
- [OPT-3844] - Generated models are using the IDs for node names instead of labels
- [OPT-3846] - Not defined tenant is not the first entry if available
- [OPT-3866] - All process instance start/end event nodes have the same names
- [OPT-3936] - Timezone tests fail for all Java version > 11
Design Part
- [OPT-3528] - Design for SUM of process variables feature
- [OPT-3533] - Design - Show relative value...
- [OPT-3537] - Design for dashboard filters
- [OPT-3539] - Flow node durations: three iterations
- [OPT-3540] - Design to make report configuration visible outside edit mode
- [OPT-3554] - UI for including/excluding Null or Undefined
- [OPT-3566] - Design for auto generation
- [OPT-3649] - Design of Quick start templates
- [OPT-3657] - Design for raw data table display
- [OPT-3658] - Selection and display of instance no. data in Report
- [OPT-3691] - Create solution for clarifying difference in filter types.
- [OPT-3711] - Create design to clarify the two differing filters
Feature Part
- [OPT-3519] - Allow filtering by relative date variables via REST API
- [OPT-3521] - I can add relative/rolling date variable filters in the UI
- [OPT-3538] - Implement dashboard filters
- [OPT-3541] - Make report configuration visible outside edit mode
- [OPT-3546] - filter report instances by a flow node duration
- [OPT-3547] - Add a button to download instances that hit the target duration
- [OPT-3557] - Add flownode/user task duration filter to the front-end
- [OPT-3571] - Add REST-API for process autogeneration
- [OPT-3572] - Create complete models based on external events
- [OPT-3573] - Sort External event traces (and sequence counts) using secondary field
- [OPT-3574] - Flattened Camunda models based on configuration
- [OPT-3575] - Join models from multiple event sources
- [OPT-3584] - Available dashboard filters are persisted
- [OPT-3585] - Allow adding additional filters for report evaluation
- [OPT-3587] - I can specify which filters are allowed for a dashboard
- [OPT-3588] - I can specify instance state dashboard filters
- [OPT-3589] - I can specify date filters for dashboards
- [OPT-3600] - Make event source scopes inclusive for event counts
- [OPT-3604] - Add property to exclude instances where variable is null or undefined
- [OPT-3605] - Add option to exclude instances where variable is undefined/null
- [OPT-3661] - Evaluate report UserTask frequency group by start/end date & distributed by assignee
- [OPT-3662] - Add custom bucket config to groupby by date vars
- [OPT-3663] - Add custom bucket config to groupby by number vars
- [OPT-3666] - Add custom buckets for date variables to report config in UI
- [OPT-3670] - I can specify variable filters for dashboards
- [OPT-3671] - I can query for variable names across reports
- [OPT-3672] - I can store available variable filters for dashboards
- [OPT-3673] - I can use dashboard variable filters
- [OPT-3682] - Add custom buckets for number varibles to report config in UI
- [OPT-3684] - Evaluate report UserTask frequency group by start/end date & distributed by candidate group
- [OPT-3716] - Evaluate report UserTask duration group by start/end date & distributed by assignee
- [OPT-3717] - Evaluate report UserTask duration group by start/end date & distributed by candidate group
- [OPT-3740] - I can evaluate the user task group by date by assignee/candidate group reports in the report builder
- [OPT-3827] - Adds gateways after process instance/start end if next source has multiple start nodes
- [OPT-3828] - Determine the correct order of Camunda event sources in process autogeneration
- [OPT-3830] - I can create process reports from templates
- [OPT-3852] - Expand History Cleanup for engine data to event/variableUpdate indices
- [OPT-3853] - Ingested event history cleanup
- [OPT-3854] - History Cleanup for Event Based Processes
- [OPT-3861] - Include external traces in determination of event source order
- [OPT-3878] - New Entity Headers
- [OPT-3879] - Allow viewing report configuration in view mode
- [OPT-3880] - I can see applied filters in Report view mode
- [OPT-3881] - I can see the total number of instances disregarding filters in report view mode
- [OPT-3882] - Show dashboard last modification info in popover
- [OPT-3883] - Show information about reports in combined reports
- [OPT-3884] - New Report tile header for dashboards
- [OPT-3885] - Return instance count without filters in report evaluation response
- [OPT-3921] - Update Header on Share page
- [OPT-3177] - Test cases for failed user/group requests to engine
- [OPT-3178] - Test cases are added for ES errors when copying/moving/deleting resources
- [OPT-3409] - Setup and start Engine Mockserver
- [OPT-3424] - I can evaluate the new user task reports in the report builder
- [OPT-3465] - Refactor Definitions ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3509] - Tests for ensuring ES Bulk import is resilient to ES failures
- [OPT-3510] - Add tests for Engine import failures
- [OPT-3511] - Refactor Report ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3520] - Adjust static date variable filter to new structure
- [OPT-3522] - Add documentation for relative / rolling date filters
- [OPT-3523] - Add new "medium" size dataset to data-generator
- [OPT-3524] - Use "medium" dataset in the Query-Performance test job
- [OPT-3525] - Use "medium" dataset in the Upgrade-Performance test job
- [OPT-3553] - Refactor Dashboard ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3561] - update docs and whats new dialog
- [OPT-3569] - Refactor Variable ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3570] - Mini-spike Camunda BPM Assert
- [OPT-3576] - Add auto generation of models to the user guide
- [OPT-3577] - Create Assignee/CandidateGroup value REST-API
- [OPT-3578] - Add Assignee/CandidateGroup Filter to Report API
- [OPT-3579] - Add Assignee/CandidateGroup Filter to Report Builder
- [OPT-3591] - Document dashboard filters
- [OPT-3598] - Create an endpoint to download process instances as a csv
- [OPT-3599] - update endpoint to group defined flowNodes durations in one filter
- [OPT-3614] - Make dashboard filters apply to the source reports in combined reports
- [OPT-3615] - Remove GET endpoint for report evaluation
- [OPT-3617] - Refactor Import Mediators
- [OPT-3618] - Refactor Import Services
- [OPT-3621] - Add CSV export button for outlier analysis
- [OPT-3624] - Add docs and e2e tests for assignee/CandidateGroup filter
- [OPT-3627] - Adjust the instances csv download to use new csv endpoint
- [OPT-3628] - Refactor Identity ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3632] - Add Running Instance GroupBy
- [OPT-3633] - Add Running Instance GroupBy to UI
- [OPT-3646] - Add a seperate option to edit event scope
- [OPT-3648] - Create process by auto generation
- [OPT-3655] - Refactor Entities, FlowNodeNames, Localization, Sharing and Status ITs to use client classes
- [OPT-3660] - Document Running Date GroupBy
- [OPT-3664] - Update docs for date var custom bucket config
- [OPT-3665] - Update docs for number var custom bucket config
- [OPT-3674] - Variable Filters should only apply to reports with that variable
- [OPT-3675] - Adjust Boolean variable filter to accept null/undefined
- [OPT-3676] - Adjust number and string variable filters to accept null/undefined
- [OPT-3677] - Adjust date variable filters to accept null/undefined
- [OPT-3678] - Remove the current global include and exclude undefined options
- [OPT-3679] - Add the option to select null/undefined for number and string variables
- [OPT-3680] - Change boolean variable filter to use multi select
- [OPT-3681] - Add include, exclude switches to date variable filter
- [OPT-3685] - Add Convergent gateways to autogenerated models for external events
- [OPT-3686] - Determine appropriate gateway type based on existing traces
- [OPT-3687] - Find "best-fit" start/end events for external events for autogeneration
- [OPT-3689] - Investigate whether we can auto-fit overlapping autogenerated models
- [OPT-3695] - Create factories for event sequence count reader and trace state reader
- [OPT-3718] - Create endpoint to return variable values for given report IDs and variable name/types
- [OPT-3719] - Remove global variable null filter flags
- [OPT-3741] - Investigate whether we can group event source elements inside BPMN Group
- [OPT-3747] - Migration for custom bucket config fields
- [OPT-3764] - On filter by assignee/candidateGroup and group by flowNode/userTask only return user tasks with that assignee
- [OPT-3771] - I can create reports that aggregate over variables
- [OPT-3772] - It's possible to evaluate a variable report using the REST-API
- [OPT-3775] - Don't return empty xml when we can't generate external event model
- [OPT-3781] - document new null/undefined filter
- [OPT-3783] - Only consider completed external event traces in sample used for gateway selection
- [OPT-3785] - Switch names of relative and rolling date filter in the backend
- [OPT-3787] - Return the total instance count as part of the evaluation response
- [OPT-3788] - Display the relative instance count percentages in combined reports
- [OPT-3789] - Display the total number of instances for process instance count combined report selection evaluation
- [OPT-3791] - Switch the names of relative and rolling filters in the Frontend
- [OPT-3800] - Create definitionKey list endpoint
- [OPT-3801] - Create definitionVersion list endpoint
- [OPT-3802] - Create definitionTenant list endpoint
- [OPT-3803] - Migrate definition selection from definitionVersionsWithTenants to new endpoints
- [OPT-3807] - Clean up available dashboard filters on report update
- [OPT-3808] - Ensure available dashboard filters are consistent with report state
- [OPT-3809] - Remove deprecated definitionVersionsWithTenants endpoint
- [OPT-3822] - Add correct support for embedded subprocesses
- [OPT-3823] - Reset the external event trace and sequence count indices
- [OPT-3829] - Variable report evaluation results can contain rational numbers
- [OPT-3832] - Adjust entities dates based on request timezone header
- [OPT-3833] - Adjust report evaluation based on client timezone
- [OPT-3834] - Adjust download CSV endpoints based on client timezone
- [OPT-3835] - Send client timezone as a custom header in requests
- [OPT-3836] - Remove timezone adjustment when displaying dates
- [OPT-3859] - It's possible to create alerts for variable aggregation reports
- [OPT-3860] - Extend nightly Cleanup Performance test to cover event data
- [OPT-3864] - Add unit tests for import backoff logic
- [OPT-3868] - Custom Buckets Follow Up
- [OPT-3877] - Return owner and modifier name instead of ID
- [OPT-3888] - Display axis labels in charts by default
- [OPT-3890] - Configurable cleanup batch size
- [OPT-3891] - Update History Cleanup documentation
- [OPT-3895] - Use a scroll context for process instance history cleanup
- [OPT-3897] - Republish after cleanup Integration test scenarios
- [OPT-3902] - Display dashboard filters by default
- [OPT-3903] - Add raw data and process model modals to report details popover
- [OPT-3918] - UI tweaks
- [OPT-3925] - Prevent overlap of multiple start events where possible
- [OPT-3930] - Load process model xml to show the process diagram
- [OPT-3933] - Add e2e tests and screenshot generation for process autogeneration
- [OPT-3944] - Make event ingestion sample data using correlatable trace IDs
- [OPT-3945] - Add tests for variable name/value fetching for reports with no definition key
- [OPT-3946] - Mark autogeneration as beta feature in documentation
- [OPT-3947] - Allow public access to decision input/output variable name endpoints
- [OPT-3952] - Handle bad request responses for dashboard saves
- [OPT-3964] - Datefilter should respect timezone
- [OPT-3967] - Return specific error code when dashboard cannot be saved
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